I got my cpu watercooled now. Make sure if you do you get GOOD equipment. When I say that I mean like zalman, thermaltake, etc.... Plus Get actual cooling liquid. I myself, I [link=hyperlink url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106108[/link], That is part of my new water cooled system. I havent decided on a water block yet. I went with this size due to the fact both of my video cards, and my cpu is going to be liquid cooled. As long as you maintain your equipment and change your fluid on a regular basis shouldnt have any problems. Or just get a good thermal paste and run a big zalman fan on your cpu. That is what I did on my back up pc and it does great. Yes I am a big zalman fan due to the fact they have NEVER failed me, but it like comparing oranges to apples. Its a personal choice. They also make a drive bay so called ac unit, that is impressive also. I do know of a person that is running one of those and it dropped his temperatures impressively. Hope this helps. Have a good one.