A debate question....

Piers Morgan = tool

I liked him on AGT but it ends there. Why does he care so much? For years he has been flapping his gums about this.
I try to stay out of these sorts of conversations, as in most time in public; Logic does not preside... Emotions. Make it difficult to really have a discussion.

Too often we get so wrapped up in our opinion we let it become us.

Opinions can be misguided at times; but, the important thing is that you take in all the information and make a educated opinion; most people just throw out opinions that have no thought or weight.
If every voter was forced to watch 1 hour a week of CSPAN we would have very few incumbents. Hank fucking Johnson just won the Democratic primary in Georgia for fucks sake.

Yes, THIS Hank Johnson:
Will Guam capsize if we put extra Marines there?
Yes, THIS Hank Johnson:
What happens when you put a giant and a midget in a cage fight?
Yes, THIS Hank Johnson:
We need to ensure access to Helium for all people

What's wrong with government? Hank Johnson casts votes in congress that are exactly equal to the votes cast by this man. One of these men is a blithering mongoloid, the other is a former US Attorney, BOTH ARE CONGRESSMEN. Until the American people stop voting in legitimately ignorant, and largely unintelligent representatives, we will continue to see a decline on the scale of 476AD.
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