To be honest, the scale of this game is much larger, the geometry arguably more complex, and the game itself is very complex compared to CS:S and UT. However, UT had vehicles too and ran much better... about 10 years ago. So I'm not sure what to think anymore.
I'm not sure if BF2 had a higher tickrate, but it had a lot of the same issues.
In DICE's defense, if they increase tickrate, consider that first of all the in/out network traffic will increase as well. Think BF uses a lot of bandwidth now? Think of it using 3x more to achieve 30 tick, or TEN times more for 100. Also, the implications for the server's CPU might be a LOT more dramatic than that. For example, if it has to do something for a certain player every tick, increasing the tickrate 3x times will increase that thing that it has to do, 3x64=192 times. So, you can see how things can explode very quickly with higher tickrates.
Also, dying around corners is a fact of life. It happens in EVERY online game, yes CS 1.6 too. It's much less noticeable because usually the interpolation is lower and is usually capped at some low-ish number (most games don't allow people with 5 seconds lag to run around and shoot people around corners because that's how receiving a 5-second-delayed shot in the face all at once by an invisible player happens

). So the low tick and high interp in BF makes those things a LOT more visible (I like this guy's rage when he gets knifed btw lulz).
It's possible to code games in perfect "sync" - i.e. if you get shot you can have 100% reaction time in "real time." Unfortunately, this doesn't work well on the internet. There IS delay, so it has to be eaten somewhere - either on the sending or receiving side. So if it's eaten on the sending side, you'd NEVER die around walls, etc. but you would have to lead your target by the delay of your ping to shoot him. Trust me, it would not be very fun. So, having SOME interpolation is usually a compromise. Unfortunately, when pushed, it leads to noticeable perception of receiving a lot of damage instantly and from where the enemy player model isn't on the receiving screen. There's no way around this, except decreasing lag or interpolation.
To be honest, I could put up with the unfinished levels, high interp, low tick, etc. What I CANNOT put up with is the clear direction of BF towards the console/"casual" world. EVERYTHING about it is dumbed down and unfulfilled compared to where it should've been 15 years after release. When they released two new games on a new engine and neither of them were even ported to PC, I knew it was "over" for this franchise. Don't get me wrong, it's "fun" and flashy, and has really polished animations, shaders, LOD, models, and really good balance, all things considered, but it's a dumbed down game at the core. It's sad, but just launch counter-strike and look at the fucking crosshair, compared to BC2 anyway (I don't have anything beyond that). Even the thickness of the crosshair tells you that there's something "imprecise" about BF... that it's ultimately a console port. Even without "netcode, interpolation, etc. etc." just moving, aiming, and shooting in a different/better engine, be it source, unreal, even a single player engine like Hard Reset, can easily show you that BF is just not made with really good precision in mind. And unfortunately yes, they do try to cover up a lot of it in smoke, flashes, and blur. That's also something that extremely put me off BC2.
On top of it all, instead of being open, transparent, and honest about development, DICE has sold their soul and ass, and put their cocks in EA's chastity device. So, instead of focusing on making a great product, I think most at EA are more focused on the paycheck, and meeting deadlines.
...and the most offensive thing of all: with all this shit flung in everyone's face, they are smearing it with polished marketing campaigns, and "double XP weekends." Double XP? What the fuck is this, a motherfucking RPG?
It's sad, because it's likely that 95% of the coders are likely already working on the next version, or different projects, with 5% in "damage control mode" until the shitstorm blows over. And they'll release the next one, be it October this year or whenever, and you know most will buy it at full price, or even beyond "common" price. And yes, sadly I think when the flashy shaders and expensively recorded sound effects subside, when they sit down and think about it, most people know that there's "something" missing, that it "could've been" different somehow. But hey, BF5 is coming out in 9 months... and the trailer looks fucking AWESOME, holy shit!
I think COD and this will come to some kind of critical mass someday, or maybe gradually, and this will all come to an end. I can only hope that whatever takes over can exist in a better environment.
P.S. Let's also never forget the fucking Intel and Ghost Rider ads in 2142. Ads as textures in YOUR game. I will NEVER forget the insult and stupidity of that idea, and for that ALONE, EA can suck my dick, and DICE can lick my asshole for being EA's bitch for a paycheck. I certainly hope they made their money.