Air War

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Well in response to HeatSurge's comments (which are always welcome), none of these really have any impact on the game and some are inaccurate simply because he is probably more familiar with the latest patched BF2142 full game than the demo. You have to remember, the demo was released 2+ years ago and has never received any patches at all from EA, unlike the full game... so its still at "rush out the door at 1.0 stage". As a stock demo it sucks ass, ao anything I can do to make it far more fun is welcomed enthusiastically by those without the money to shell out for the full game.

The handheld rocket is not overpowering, as he said, it is very ineffective against infantry... the rockets just go right past them. It gives the lone infantry man some chance against the gunships, because I seat jump and beat the hell out of them with the TV guided missle. You can avoid them in the gnship by spinnning around your target and attacking with caution like a cobra.

Flying parachutists with Sudnicks are rare... I seem to be the main one who does it just because I like horsing around and its fun. The skys are not filled with parachutists bobbing about, many people do not realize you can use them to to catch a gust and gain altitude.

I really didn't change anything about the gunships, tanks, walkers, transport shields, etc... whatever he is noticing are differences he may notice from the demo vs. the full game. The tracking does work 100% against transports, and I did my best to fix the gunship tracking bug which happens rarely and sporadically, and not all the time. It makes things interesting. Any differences between the two gunships handle you guys whine about, I swear to god I have no clue at all what you are talking about at all. You fight with what you got in your hand, and if you got to kill something with a point blank shot because its misfiring, you do it. You don't whine and bitch about it. Hell, a rock has no guiding system to it, and if necessary, I'll pick one up and bash someone over the head. I'm not going to go back to the manufactuer and whine about how one rock handles better than another. ;-) Good lord.

As for Grenades... and unlocks of all the weapons, we've tried to do it and so far haven't figured out how to do it, or its impossible. The grenades and weapons don't even have the models for them in the demo game code, its missing. On the other hand, in all honesty, my game has more grenades going on at one time technically than any other server, simply because that's what the jeeps and air transports are dropping as bombs.. they are actually residual grenade code that has been recycled and used soemwhere else! So at any one time there could be 20-50 grenades going off in my server at a time ;-)
As far as gunship handling I never complain about the way an aircraft handles in the sky or any of that crap. Being among the world leaders in the Gunship, (along with most of TBG) express my concern only with missile tracking systems. that's all no whining no complaining. Just the evidence that I can shoot all 5 salvos of misses and almost never hit an EU gunship its a known fact within the game that's why EA put the 1.4 missile patch in the game so that pro pilots can kill each other. I was playing on your sever against someone who had some experience as a pilot and I found that I had to put in 10x the effort to kill him while on PAC (and I'm a pro pilot). the only reason I can kill people in the PAC Gs is that I have a shit ton of experience. when it comes to Aviation you cannot have an infantry grunts mindset when dealing with combat aircraft. If you have a rock to bash someones head in with but its a pebble, its rather difficult. I don't bich about stuff I do what I have to in a combat zone to earn my kills and I do it very well.

as far as grenades go, you need them I'm sorry, you cant kill people in a titan with an air transport, or a sudnik, u need grenades that's a fact, If I had a way to blow open a wall with a TV i would do it, but I cant. Need grenades for titan attack. :)

I have an Idea, could you take the game code from the main version, with unlocks and apply it to the demoversion, but not on the soldier itself, rather like a dead guys kit you can pick up, like a power up from james bond. make the kits spawn in a row with randomized equipment and write on the wall next to the kit like "SF" "deathgeneer" "Arnold would be proude" and other humorous stuff that would display the contents of the kit. Just an idea :)

Love the sever chopper buddy :D
Funny... I had no tracking whatsoever against transports when I was playing. Maybe the server was glitching?!??!? It was completely weird. Like, the rockets would not even move an inch from a straight line if they didn't hit transports spot-on. I also had other tracking issues where they wouldn't track gunships occasionally (again, at all - no movement at all from a straight line if not hit spot-on on the body).

Also, I'm SO glad that they made the TV damage walkers to 10% in a later patch if it really was like that in the demo, because it's really really annoying the way it is that they only go down to 25%. I didn't know that - I apologize.

I agree not many people were floating with a sudnik, but the ones who were were just a terrible "feature" to the game...
hey choppergirl hop on our server sometime. Would like to have a few runs with you ;D

by the way, i have seen you somewhere before, servers I mean, that name is very familiar maybe it was you maybe it wasnt.
Well said lexypoo! I miss those days of picking up your weapons. Halo. GoldenEye. Perfect Dark. Quake. All good shit!
Just a quick update, this week I've written some new Python code which is running on my server, which tracks Pilot kils and reports them on a scoreboard, along with Highest Player Score and Player Highest Kills. So if you're a gunship pilot who wants to test his metal against other gunship pilots, there's plenty of them on my server and you can now try to beat their top pilot score per game or top pilot score since reboot.

Pilot score tracks only kills made when you are (piloting so to speak) in an air vehicle: gunship, air transport, parachute, or pod.

Also even better, I've enhanced the kicker code to kick poorly skilled players out of my server so its a field of battle for hardcore veterans only. Players have 12 minutes (ample time) to make a score of 5 of they get kicked... this does a wonderful job of kicking all the retard monkeys and noobs off who would clog up my slots. This code is written to let the server fill up to 100%... only when its completly full will it start kicking retards off (they make acceptable targets until then). After that it will start kicking idlers and retards every 10 seconds to always keep one slot open so "someone better out there" can join. It does an awesome job of filtering out the goombahs over time so there's a much higher percentage of highly skilled players on my server, which makes for a far better and more competitive and action packed gaming experience. But at the same time on offhours (like Monday morning) it lets noobz play to their hearts content when nobody else is around. And even when its full at high periods during the day, it at least lets noobz get in and get at least 12 minutes worth of play round robin style.

Also, since this last discussion, I have added what I call "Bouncer Mines". Like just about all my mods, you won't see anything like this on any other BF2142 server. You hit these with a jeep tire accidentaly and BOOM they will blow your jeep sky high in a mad spin. Eject up in the air and hit your parachute to save from dying.
lol cool, like in mercs when you blow up the Hanji into enemy helos lol, Im gonna check this out

NEW! Battlefield 2 / BF2 Airwar

I have a new heavily modded BF2 demo server up, for those who prefer BF2 over BF2142.

Download the free BF2 demo client and give my mods a run for the money.

[link=hyperlink url][/link]

All my mods from BF2142 plus some new ones... persistent junkyard wreckage, starburst shoulder fired rockets (chose antitank weapon at spawn), poison gas jeeps (honk horn), heat seeking chopper missles (finally! why they weren't from the beginning is beyond me), one shot one kill sniper rifles and hollow point pistols, speedboats with nitrous (hold down SHIFT), blackhawks that drop cluster bomb ring of death (press X flare key), accelerated sand dune buggies, and now a race course up down the river with dune buggies and boats. Plus lots of other subtle changes to subtle to list (like top dog scoreboard, better spawn points, multispawning vehicles, etc).

Oddly, the BF2 demo servers are very cyclical and get full only a few hours a day around lunchtime Midwestern US time. So visit then when there are people in it. The rest of the time its a ghost town. This is in contrast to my BF2142 demo server that stays packed 24/7 even all night long. This is a shame because I like my BF2 demo server better, its a fresh change for me a hella lot of fun when it gets 16+ people in it (32 player server).

So um yeah, I need some hardcore BF2 players to take up residence in it and call it home and babysit it full time in the off hours. ;-) If nobody's there when you pop in, try again later.

BF2 demo, you mean 24/7 Gulf of Oman?

Miss the bf2 days, how is the 2142 server going?
BF2 server going great, I moved it over to a better server location in Dallas and I just got linux punkbuster to sort of run on it. And I just finished this tonight, how many rubber boats can you count?


ER, check your RADAR there! LOL

Just looking over past comments - (1) I used a fix by T. Hiragi, gunship missles track identical to each other (2) they track transports just the same, any other perceptions you might have is your imagination (3) there are no grenades at all in BF2142 demo, only the unimplemented code (which was there for the using). So I used ti to add bombs to to the transports. But no, there are no conventional grenades in the 2142 demo (there are in the BF2 demo, if you unlock the weapons). (4) I can kill a Walker with one TV guided hit (seatjumping) and a a couple of hits from a fistfull of rockets to finish him off. You seat jump, fire, jump back. The trick is to line yoru gunship up before hand, and don't even aim track with the TV, just point blank fire and forget. Takes em down to 90%. Killed thousands and thousands of tanks and walkers that way.

I never bellyache about whats going on in game. I just play. If someone is cheating, or using an aimbot, or whatever, great, all the reason for me to go after them all the harder and beat the crap out of them. Aimbots don't lead and commander hacks wont protect you from me on a rampage. Roof camping. I kill them. Sniping with aimbot? I kill their ass. I mean, you have to be a warrior about these things. For every offence, there is a counteroffence to overthrow it, you just have to stop, think, and come up with it.

Read a book called "Ender's Game" [link=hyperlink url][/link], it will teach you how to think in terms of guerilla unconvetional war. If you go on my 2142 server in particular, you will see so many tactics used by people, many of which I have to smirk about and feel a little silently proud, because they were invented by me. And then copied by my players. There's no way to prove it, and no point to prove it, because there's no jury to prove it to and I could care less, I'll invent more. You study what's going on and whip up a new way to defeat some clever bastard who's being a real ass.

As an example, in the old days, before I could seat jump, walkers would really tear up my gunship. I realized, transports had a heck of a lot of mass to them and could take a lot of damage. They were slow, but tough as nails. I could plummet one into a walker and jump out and kill that rotten walker. But every now and then I'd run up against a hardcore walker player, that kept his head on a swivel, and would tear you up before you got that close. So what then. I made up an ICBM tactic, where I used the gunship like an ICBM cruise missle. Come in fast, low, and straight into that walker. You're only 10 feet off the ground, so jump out before impact, don't even need a parachute, land right on your feet.

Another example: we had problems with roof campers on the titan. They would camp up there with my heat seeking rocket and blow every aircraft up that was trying to leave the bay. What was my solution? You could crawl up the rails with a sniper rifle and peg them, which was tedious. I had a better way. You could pod down to an APC, and then pod back up and cap them with a pistol. Or you could get in my transport, take off, hit the shields, drift backwards, and bomb them into oblivion. Nobody knew how to do any of these, and now they are common tactics.

Human beings a killers. They have been all through history. The human mind can and has come up with so many crafty ingenious ways to kill each other its unbelievable. This is why you want to play against real players, and not bots. And of those real players, only the best of the best hardest veterans of all. I've got a kickscript I wrote on my server that always kicks the worst player off, to free up one slot always for a better player to get in. Always the worst is getting kicked off, in hopes of being replaced by someone better. Eventually this filtering kicks off the amateurs and only the strong and viscious and clever survive. Overtime the amateurs get the message when things get rough and the server gets full, they're better off playing on a different easier less hardcore server (doesn't keep them from trying to join tho, they just don't give up).
[blockquote]I never bellyache about whats going on in game. I just play. If someone is cheating, or using an aimbot, or whatever, great, all the reason for me to go after them all the harder and beat the crap out of them. Aimbots don't lead and commander hacks wont protect you from me on a rampage. Roof camping. I kill them. Sniping with aimbot? I kill their ass. I mean, you have to be a warrior about these things. For every offence, there is a counteroffence to overthrow it, you just have to stop, think, and come up with it.[/blockquote]

LOL well said.