Anti-BS headphones?


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
Could anyone point me at some good headphones that would block out all external sounds one might encounter in a home and at the same time offer excellent audio quality while not breaking the bank and not having an EU import ban?

I'm picky...

p.s. they need to be weather resistant, if possible, even helmet compatible
There are SO many reviews at dedicated audio sites like, but in reality the choices aren't so many.

I'd recommend "closed" headphones to block out external noise (and also insulate people around you from your headphone sounds). I would NOT recommend noise cancelling headphones, like the ones with batteries that produce an inverse wave of whatever the microphone detects, because of... reasons. Just a nice pair of no "active" or "any" noise canceling "closed"/"closed back" headphones should be quite fine. I would recommend the kind that covers your whole ear.

A lot of people like AKG/Sennheiser, but I actually like Philips... Some people like Sony as well. It's kind of actually a LOT up to your preferences. A lot of people perceive "good" heaphones as headphones with a lot of bass for example, and honestly the more expensive you go the more it is about balance and detail and less about punch/bass.

There are expensive headphones dedicated to blowing your head off though, this and to some extent, this:

I've actually been eyeballing the Philips Fidelio X2 for a while, I may drop the pants next year finally. They are open-back though, meaning they leak a lot of sound in/out. The Sonys are not, but I'm not sure you'd like them to be honest :-D .

P.S. If you want some cheap as fuck closed headphones which are actually pretty damn good for the dirt-ass-cheap price, try these first before buying anything else:

They look cheap, but the sound is actually quite amazing for the price.
the price one the sony headphones is pretty hardcore lol
Honestly it comes down to whatever you like. What may sound great and be comfortable to someone will be trash to someone else. If there are any stores that have display models near you, I'd recommend going there and just trying them on. Listen to sample audio if available.

Sennheiser is great... but costly.
Honestly it comes down to whatever you like. What may sound great and be comfortable to someone will be trash to someone else. If there are any stores that have display models near you, I'd recommend going there and just trying them on. Listen to sample audio if available.

Sennheiser is great... but costly.

The shops over here don't trust people with stuff, way different mindset.
Headphones have gotten crazy and their prices are through the roof! Good luck!
bought a pair of active NC-s by Philips.

Had motion sickness, headaches and nausea for 3 days.

Returned them today.
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Say, @Medic_3223 and I both have the corsair rgb void headsets now. Sound quality is excellent. Very comfortable. 7.1 virtual surround.
Yeah the Corsair RGB Void headset is the way to go. Sounds quality is amazing and very comfortable and not to mention it is wireless. I know a lot of people steer clear of wireless for the battery reason but I can play all day without recharging the battery and it only takes a couple of hours to recharge completely. Also if you prefer you can always plug it in and play while its plugged in so would be no different than the wired ones.
This is a good read on why "gaming headsets" usually don't live up to their marketing promises and non-gaming headphones tend to perform better:

I'm happy with my Sennheiser PC363D open headset, but in the future I'll follow the advice in that post. But to block out other sounds you'll want a closed headset. Back in the day I used to use Sony in-ear earbuds (similar to these) which did a good job of letting me hear footsteps, grenade pins, etc. A separate mic is required should you go that route though. They were awesome at blocking out other sounds in my enviornment and since they're nestled directly in your ear canal, they have really clear audio.

Lots of headsets advertise themselves as "5.1/7.1" but they still have only 2 physical drivers. The software makes the "surround sound" work and most games themselves do a good job of giving you the "surround sound" experience with only 2 speakers.
Yeah the Corsair RGB Void headset is the way to go. Sounds quality is amazing and very comfortable and not to mention it is wireless. I know a lot of people steer clear of wireless for the battery reason but I can play all day without recharging the battery and it only takes a couple of hours to recharge completely. Also if you prefer you can always plug it in and play while its plugged in so would be no different than the wired ones.
I have the corsair virtuoso and while I LOVE them, they seem to go to max volume for a few seconds then come back down. I searched if others have had that problem and other models did indeed have that issue as well.

I was wondering if you had the same issue with your set?
Any Sennheiser product is really good but i specifically love.,aps,104&sr=8-13


If you want something cheaper.

I will partake in this necromancy.

Edit: I have the first version of these that have a wire connecting them but still wireless to the device. I've heard really good things about the second version. FWD-02.

They fit perfectly in the ear and hold themselves in very well. I ride the train and the FWD-01's block all the BS. Can barely hear the crazy dude bitching about the metro cops.
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If you block all outside sounds then the pressure against your ear drums would be unhealthy.
Check out Sennheiser headphones.