Barbeque Bitches!


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
I've spent the last week and a half roasting fuckheads with the flamethrower on BC2 Vietnam and need only 9 more flame thrower kills for the platinum :) I was going to finish it tonight but I'll save that for tomorrow.

Next Events

Flamethrower Vietnam
Platin star
9 Kills left

Light vehicle
Platin star
197 Kills left
Nice Six. I find I'm either just to lazy or somewhat board with BC2 but it can still be fun going after some of the awards. Unfortunately, they ran out of tank whore awards.
Kiss the Cook baby!

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Red, just equip your tank with the flame thrower and you don't even have to leave it to barbeque! It's been fun and frustrating having to chase bitches down to toast them. The plus side is that I usually get them in pairs or as a squad.
I'll try to remember to get some video tonight when I'm on roasting bitches.
+1 for the video...That shit was hot!!! I had to turn off pandora for that :)
Sadly, I did not get any video. I suck at remembering to do that. I did get the platinum with the flame thrower though so it's all good.
