Battlefield 2142 1.51 (hopefully final) Beta


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
Just when you thought they gave up:

<table id="post18878087" class="tborder" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="alt1" id="td_post_18878087" style="border-right: 1px solid transparent;"> So we got our programmer back to work on BF2142 1.51 and he fixed the server problem we had remaining and are sending out the servers to the Beta server providers today.

Tomorrow 17th December 2010 will see the release of hopefully the last BF2142 1.51 Beta and will run until mid-January 2011 where we'll decide, based on your feedback, if it is final and ready for release.

I'll update this post with download links when I have them but you'll generally be able to pick the new client up at Fileplay tomorrow.

The only changes have have been server side but the client had to be updated to have the version numbers match.

As long as there are no major issues in the update like new constant crashes, black screens, server failure etc then this will also be the version that is released as final so you won't need to install another version after.

This v1.51 update contains:

  • No DRM on the BF2142.exe file
  • Northern Strike free for everyone
  • Whole bunch of new maps including Strike at Karkand 2142 and Operation Blue Pearl.
  • Account security updates
  • More...

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Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Battlefield Bad Company, Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company 2
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</td></tr></tbody></table>Battlefield 2142 1.51 (hopefully final) Beta - Electronic Arts UK Community
Hell yeah! (If they follow through this time...) I'm real interested in a whole bunch of new maps, especially Karkand for 2142. If the maps are decent enough they will keep the game afloat for quite awhile longer.
I really hope they do release this finally. I downloaded it, I really like the new Titan map, and the Yelllow Knife. Great Sniper maps.
I can only hope this will be released. Saying its overdue is the understatement of the century.
You got it right, Rayzor. It is unbelievably overdue. I hope it is all worked out and ready to go soon.
karkand infantry only with 64 players should be fun. :D More stuff on it than on bf2 version.

Will be interesting to see how the Molokye map stands with our 64 server