Battlefield 3 Announcement Confirmed


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008

Battlefield 3 Announcement Confirmed | BATTLEFIELDO
They should make a bigger project like Special Forces at Bf2
Watch, the Amored expansion will have the biggeset map ever made, but it sill will be only 16 people.
they are bringing out another expansion (Armored Kill) in the fall claiming to be the biggest map ever made. It supposed to have artillery. Not sure if its 64 or not. Have to wait and see for that

In the meantime, I am not getting this junk expansion. Waste of my money.

I'll stick with the new CS to compliment with the old BF3 until the fall.
watch this before it goes down. Nothing fancy, just a map that was leaked.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Not really excited by this. I'm looking forward to CS:GO myself, as well as a few other games.
well, that was disappointing, why the fuck would they think "sure this tiny piece of shit map is okay to release... Oh btw it's only for 6 - 12 players."

Chalk up another tally for the Dice fail list.

Can't wait to see what's in store for Armored Kill tho...
They still think they need to compete head to head with COD. I guess they failed business 101.
EA should go head to head with COD using medal of honor not battlefield....
Looks like a piece of shit console version where everything is fuzzy and dark. Fuck that shit.
That,....looked really shitty IMHO. I'm not wasting my money on this.

The video itself IS shitty. It was shot by someones camera inside of a presentation. As far as the map it looks like some reuse of in game singleplayer/co-op material.