Battlefield 3 jets getting improved in new patch

jets vs aa, aa wins, no matter the situation, no matter the place. even if the jet has the jump on the aa, with a full round of rockets, and a few bursts from the cannon, the aa will still be up, and will just shoot the jet as it passes. then the asswipe in the aa just repairs the thing and kills the helos and whatever else it feels like. seriously needs some tweaking, give the jets some HARM missles or something

I cannot level up the jets.It seems that most people have heat seakers now and that leaves you with little chance of shooting anyone down with a mediocre machine gun
I cannot level up the jets.It seems that most people have heat seakers now and that leaves you with little chance of shooting anyone down with a mediocre machine gun

Yep and this is why I will never get to use the jets.
i've actually been getting pretty good with the jets and i don't even use the missles, guns are so much easier. flares are essential though. and once you have them equip the rocket pods, you'll like them.
Guns are quite easy once you can control the plane. Learning to break and so on was the hard part for me.

Rockets are awesome.

Flares are usually unnecessary against AA.

Flying is only worth doing when you have >30 fps. Any less and you'll rubberband.
I cannot level up the jets.It seems that most people have heat seakers now and that leaves you with little chance of shooting anyone down with a mediocre machine gun

Just land the jet at an enemy flag and a few seconds later, after the enemy team stares at you in disbelief, you have unlocked flares! Now good hunting. :D