BC2 - How U like it?


Registered User
Feb 24, 2009
This game gives me a headache. Each time your soldier takes a step the screen slightly wobbles to simulate you running. After a few rounds of playing all that wobbling takes a toll on my head... You guys ok with the wobble action or is it just me? They need a WOBBLE=OFF feature.
I've never seen any wobble. Maybe I wobble internally, but I've never seen that on the screen. What are your video settings? Some people find it easier with HBAO off-and it improves your frames per second.

The only time I've heard of anybody getting a headache with this game was when he was averaging really low fps 15-20. So, my next question is how's the game running for you?
this game does give me a headache because it's so hard to see. I turned down the contrast & brightness and it seems to help out.
Balls, do you have the HBAO on or off also? I turned that shit off after one round. It didn't give me a headache, but I could see how it could with the lighting affects it uses.
Go to your resolution setting in options, underneath that select "custom" where you see either "high, medium, low, etc" that you set earlier.

Once you select custom, a panel opens on the right with extra video options. The last option, on the bottom, is HBAO-turn this off.
Damn wish I knew that before. Yeah that head wobble is annoying as fuck.
Hey sixer the game runs fine for me... I run a GTX285 video card so my FPS is decent.

I'll try turning down the brightness/contrast as well as HBAO.

But pay close attention when you walk. With each step you lumber to the right/left. The horizon does not stay constant as it does in 2142. It dips up and down as you walk. I think that's what is killing me with this game. After about 3-4 rounds of it I get a headache...

Also have you noticed an aweful lot of explosion sounds around you with no-one apparently shooting? Is this just random BS background war noise?
I have not noticed the wobble or have not paid attention to it? But now that you've mentioned it I'll watch for it and of course it will drive me insane once I notice. Damn, thanks for bringing that shit up! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I'm running mostly on low settings and have lowered the contrast and brightness along with the HBAO being off. I have to say it hurt my eyes before making a few changes. Running the 9800GTXPlus will handle the game on medium but I think my FPS really takes a hit which makes it much harder to see/play. Could be my older e8400 processor as well. <o:p></o:p>
haha yeah its big time annoying for me! It's like you have 2 different size legs.
i mean, its kind of realistic...when youre moving your accuracy is clearly less than when you're standing still. Hard to keep a gun totally steady while running/walking...it might be a little excessive though, i'll look for it next time I play
I don't know if my settings are somehow different than yours taste, but I have never once seen or noticed this in the game either walking or running, which I guess is a good thing.
I havent noticed it but it might be there because i never thought to pay attention to it, but me not noticing it means it doesnt bother me.