bf1943 cancelled for PC


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
blah blah lets praise ourselves here a bit, but the only thing i grasp from this blog is cancellation of the 2 PC games.

Yes talented team releasing battlefield 3, which has been said in its current state 2 months ago that it will play like call of duty and be set for 32 players only.

From the Battlefield Blog:
There comes a time when we as a studio have to choose where to best put our efforts. At DICE we’re dedicated to taking care of our products after launch, and also hell bent on building new, innovative and high quality games.

In my day to day work, I look at our release schedule and the studio’s capacity, weighing them against our wild ambitions to create awesomeness. I often need to make hard calls regarding where we put the studio’s focus. Part of the challenge is to balance work on the new against the already shipped, prioritizing the amount of energy spent on the known franchises and the time spent on developing something entirely new.

This is one of those cross roads where I need to make a hard decision. While we’ll continue supporting Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and previous games, it’s time to look ahead to the next giant leap for DICE – the release of Battlefield 3, powered by the mighty Frostbite 2 engine. Our goal is crystal clear: we’re going to build the best Battlefield game ever, and we’ll do whatever it takes to make this the biggest launch in DICE’s history.

We know some of you eagerly have been awaiting Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Onslaught on PC. I’m sad to say that these two titles are now officially cancelled. Instead, our talented teams will focus on delivering the greatest possible gaming experience in our next behemoth release. We’re confident this will lead to an even better experience in Battlefield 3, not only on PC, but on all platforms.

For an idea of what that means, watch this space for some exciting news I think you’ll like.

Best regards,
Karl Magnus Troedsson
General Manager, DICE
How about they try making an announcement that doesn't look like it was written by George W. Bush's Speech Writers.

Thats total bull.
Translation:Cause porting shitty made games from console to PC was harder than it looked. So we canceled them.
Hmmmm....think this may have something to do with it?

EA incurs $322 million loss in Q3, 22% of employees in 'low cost locations'

by Alexander Sliwinski on Feb 2nd 2011 1:30PM

EA suffered a net loss of $322 million for its fiscal third quarter ending December 31, 2010, a fourfold increase from the same period last year. The company generated revenues of a mere $1.05 billion during Q3, a decrease of nearly $200 million from the holidays last year. Despite significant increases in digital revenue and "record breaking" iOS sales, there wasn't enough to offset the reduction in packaged goods (disc-based games) sales, titles with "significant" development costs and the general cost of goods sold for EA's business.

The company also noted that it ended the quarter with 7,742 employees, down from 8,537 a year ago and the 7,820 workers it employed during Q2 before committing its "seasonal roll-offs." EA CFO Eric Brown mentioned that 22 percent of the publisher's employees are now in "low cost locations." We've followed up with EA for its definition of "low cost locations."
Wow, that's not surprising, We will see where the "talent" or lack there of at DICE studios can take BF3.
at least they finally fucking said it. i've been waiting for the release or cancellation for what a little over a year now? gee i wonder why they are losing money.
I cant believe that EA is still operating, after so many failures and false promises. Im actually hesitant on buying BF3, whenever it is that it comes out...or should i say if?
BC2 for PC was a disappointment, 1943 was a fail, vietnam...was ok. Definitely dont like the pattern that their showing with the franchise. Linear maps, no planes, tanks are moving fortresses, RPGs are practically spit balls, unless you use them on infantry, mortar strike is to BC as noob tubes are to MW2. Ive been a big fan of the BF series, starting from 1942 and desert combat mod, if they screw BF3 up, thats where i draw the line and welcome CoD into my life :/.
Everybody needs to realize that EA exists for one reason and one reason only, to pump out new Madden NFL titles. They build console games because they are simple, everything has the same hardware and software. Ea/LICE simply are not talented or dedicated enough to properly design and support a PC FPS. When is that Red Orchestra thingamajig supposed to come out?
Everybody needs to realize that EA exists for one reason and one reason only, to pump out new Madden NFL titles. They build console games because they are simple, everything has the same hardware and software. Ea/LICE simply are not talented or dedicated enough to properly design and support a PC FPS. When is that Red Orchestra thingamajig supposed to come out?

I don't think there's a full release date yet.