Bf2 server not playable

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Sep 5, 2010
The hacking is so bad it's unreal. The dudes are even bragging about it. They say you can't ban them & they'll continue to harrass everyone as long as they wish. I'm going to email pb & see if they can find a way to detect this hack. Like I said there's 2 out that are paid, 1 is from [Site edited out by Frit0z]. I wrote down 4 that we all saw & are still in the server as I write. cowboy00, origL srg. Tep|ar, sprtn.$|ic, & 0651DataSpec. One dude was saying something about a hack called "karma" too. I wish the noobs would go do this in a unranked server. That's where BS belongs.:3dviolent:
someone will look into this shortly please be patient and by the way if they are hacking they will be banned. they think they can get away with changing their ip but it is a simple fix. Check back in a a few hours, I am sure someone will have time to go and take care of it. In the future if you see people bragging about hacks take a screen shot of what they typed and post it.
we will do what we can. please dont post hack sites in public please.
wow karkand is the place to be nowadays...and when i'm there i see nothing. Anyways, I don't see a single guy in there that you listed i will check the logs.
able to ban "0651DataSpec" the others are not listed in the logs or the spelling is incorrect. If they make a return post in chatbox or in this section.Thanks
been in there off and on today and havent seen any of those listed.
It's probably the same people from last night. They kept on bragging about their hacks and how bans are useless and they'll just make new accounts.
Hacking is gay and kills servers (thats what happened to my old favorite bf2 sever), but its always funny to see a million UAVs fall out of the sky... Everyone just stops fighting and looks up to watch before the server crashes. :P
Well it's an epidemic. There's so many now i can't write them all down. Whena dude has an assault kit & 57 peeps in & only 2 deaths 3/4 way through,figure it out. I'm getting shot across the map,I saw one dude land shark,like the old games, ridiculous. Seems like some are evn bullet proof to an extent. I can empy an entire clip into these guys & nothing. Not even high pingers either. It's not just this server, it's all of them. The only one that i haven't seen bs in is head hunters. I was in the spec server & those guys are using it too. Losers!! Of course they pick an easy older game to hack because they don't have the talent to hack newer games. I mean why cheat in this game? It's on it's way out,no point to it.
it seems to have become very popular in less than 1 week due to the nature of the server. So it must be bringing in alot of them. Just because we were not able to get when they were on doesn't mean we still can't ban them.

Well I played 2 rnds with an admin & watched atleast 3 use an aimbot,snakedoctor777 was one. Also seems like the was high roofing at factory. I guess no one cares.Oh well.
Again, we can't observe every single person in the game. You assume wrong, we do care very much. Tell you what, Mack, check your PM.
i banned snakedoctor. i wanted to be sure he was hacking before i swung the hammer.
so you expect us to sit on our asses all day and watch everyone? Serious? Thats sounds a bit tedious and extreme no? We don't play 24/7. There are admins on but not all the time given that we are new into the game (1 week). And if we are not there, yes will be some sort of delay in response, even though we are fairly quick. We have NO WAY of knowing if a hacker is entering the server or not. I've already told you we can ban someone even after they have left, given that you provide the correct name. So don't assume things. WE GOT LIVES TOO, take that in consideration, we either have work, school, family or other issues. Our life doesn't evolve around gaming and admining....for me anyways. But we get them one way or another. We are probably one of the most proactive community in terms of catching cheaters and submitting to streaming anti cheat services if possible....and pretty relentless...Not trying to be an asshole but when you said nobody cares, you struck a nerve.
Side note bro...............we are banning people that you're asking us to without seeing them ourselves. So we have to look up stats, ip's, GUID's and see who they are. It's a lot of work. We don't know you really, so you should be happy we are doing anything.

I realize you can't baby sit the server. You guys play alot of games. So I took it upon myself to join the pb staff & 3 other anti-cheat sites. The hack that's being used makes banning pointless at this juncture because it spoofs the guid, ip,etc. & it doesn't run off the offender's pc itself, the info you're getting & banning is what comes off the hack site's server,nasty. Hence,undetectable except via visual observation at this time. I'm talking to several other well known clans about this too. Punks Busted has made most of the paid hacks detectable by pb, but this one's a bitch. Basically what the hack site is doing is using bf2, bf2bc, & cod's as a testing ground for future use in new games, ie. Medal of Honor,NFS World, anything that streams pb. Not trying to single your bf2 server out, it has the most constant flow of hackers of the 56 or so ranked infantry servers. =E= is 2nd, followed by Frag House & Sparta. Not alot you can do about it, you'ld be banning all day. As far as ss & other "proof", if there's a dude with 200 ping, 50 kills, little to no deaths, kills ya from so far away you can't see them with a m16, that's a hack. When I see a guy in a sniper skin & he has the medic gun or when I see a guy change kit without picking one up, I'd say that's a hack. When there's no enemy uav & a dude always knows where you are, it's called a mini-map hack. In other words ss is not always easy to do, you have to see it yourself. You may not know me, but I'm well known in the gaming community & I don't suck at the game. I'm not a whiner getting owned. I know a good player vs. a cheat. look at my profile, I've been in a few clans,ran my own for years,played in almost every leauge & was in a pro clan too. I even went into a server where my ping was around 200 & you can kill, but peeps skip all over the place & it ain't my pc or my connection. I also noticed these "hackers" are the high pingers usually. You can also tell by the name,if they have alot of disallowed charachters or sometimes the name itself indicates they cheat. a final note, my bf2 stats aren't an accurate rep of my skill. I have 4 accts. & forgot my original password when i stopped playing for about a year. I was at 100000+ in bf2 & 60000+ in 2142. Not bragging, just trying to qualify that i know what I'm talking about. It's good your banning those dudes, it's not a mistake. To save you all the work, I'll be reporting the hackers directly to pb now that I'm staff. When you register with pb you can see in console all players & thier info & whether or not they're a reg pb member too. Just a quick thing to xfast, I was in the server with you & I watched numerous peeps using aimbots,you got one, & no one was obeying server rules. You allowed c4 jumping at factory,you were even on my team getting slaughtered because they were on the high roof. If you guys are new to bf2 like you say & need help admining or recognizing a hack/glitch I'll be happy to help. Love me or hate me, I'll be playing bf2 & the rest of the series forever.
it's called a mini-map hack. In other words ss is not always easy to do, you have to see it yourself. You may not know me, but I'm well known in the gaming community & I don't suck at the game. I'm not a whiner getting owned. I know a good player vs. a cheat. look at my profile, I've been in a few clans,ran my own for years,played in almost every leauge & was in a pro clan too. I

MackBolan Master Sergeant Stats,
=NFB=*F*A*S*T* Colonel Stats,

LOL, Master Sergent compared to full bird colonel. Really?? Just because I haven't play over 2 years or we are new to the scene in regards to server doesn't mean I'm new. You watch numerous peeps? Why because they have a good KDR? That doesn't prove anything. What I DO, and the right way, is to observe them, read the chat logs to see any confirmation and/or check them on the master banlist on psb or pbbans. Thats the RIGHT way to do it. C4 jumping at the factory, no sir, there are ways to get up there without c4 hopping. Thanks for playing.
Mini map hack? Thanks for sharing something I already know. What you think i was born yesterday? You don't see the 2142 servers being up since god knows how long? Will you stop trying to baby talk me into what I should look for?

I don't care if you are die hard bf2 fan and its series . If you like to report a player you are more than welcome to. But don't write me an essay trying to undermine me or tell me things that is not relevant to TBG (congratulations on becoming so called "staff" but not relevant to TBG). I think we are done with this conversation.
And to add to fast you are not a PB staff just because you registered your name with them. it cost $12 to register a name with them for a year. $24 to register a clan tag for a year. doing so does not make you pbstaff. i know i use to be registered for a couple years when i played cod alot.

and love you or hate you? i think your pulling off the latter quite well, you come in and tell us that we dont know how to spot a hack... you could ask any of our members, they are always on the lookout for hacks when they are playing, not only that some dont get a chance to play because they need to sit back and admin for a while. i dont fucking care what kind of gaming background you have it will earn you no respect, you would have been better off just posting a small video for evidence of the hacker and his name and time he was on like everyone else does. let us review it and decide from there.
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