BF2142 Uncap Rules


Registered User
Oct 28, 2010
Ok, I know the rule in Northern Strike says you cannot attack the uncap until you hold all flags. However, why is it not fair to enter the uncap to kill snipers WHO ARE ATTACKING FROM THE UNCAP?

It seems to me that as soon as you attack from the uncap, your are fair game for being attacked in the uncap. Granted, you should not go on a wholesate rampage in the uncap, but it should be fair to kill anyone between you and the snipers, kill the snipers, and then exit the uncap, without getting kicked for your trouble.

In the game in question, the bunker in the uncap had at least 4 snipers in it who were guarding the two nearest flags. I went in to kill them, killed two enemies in my way, and was promptly kicked.

If this is not allowed, then the rule is simply unfair and grants those in the uncap immunity to being attacked while they are free to attack anyone they wish, unless they are countersniped (which seems silly ... it is legal to kill them from afar, but not from up close).
The rules say to stay out of the uncap until you hold all the silos. You did not and entered the uncap and killed people. Not snipers, our commander and another person that was a medic. I KICKED you for being in the uncap. You can snipe the snipers in the uncap but stay out of it until you hold all SILOS! Next time it will be a BAN.

Thank you for posting your concerns.

Ok, I know the rule in Northern Strike says you cannot attack the uncap until you hold all flags. However, why is it not fair to enter the uncap to kill snipers WHO ARE ATTACKING FROM THE UNCAP?

It seems to me that as soon as you attack from the uncap, your are fair game for being attacked in the uncap. Granted, you should not go on a wholesate rampage in the uncap, but it should be fair to kill anyone between you and the snipers, kill the snipers, and then exit the uncap, without getting kicked for your trouble.

In the game in question, the bunker in the uncap had at least 4 snipers in it who were guarding the two nearest flags. I went in to kill them, killed two enemies in my way, and was promptly kicked.

If this is not allowed, then the rule is simply unfair and grants those in the uncap immunity to being attacked while they are free to attack anyone they wish, unless they are countersniped (which seems silly ... it is legal to kill them from afar, but not from up close).

I do understand the points that you make, however there you can snipe into the uncap but not enter it. Think about this scenario for a second:

You go into the uncap to kill said snipers, but then other people spawn, and shoot at you. You would most likely shoot back maybe kill a few more people. Other people on your team see you, and think, "hey he's in trouble," or more likely, "ZOMG KILLZ!! RAWR!" and proceed to follow you. You now have uncamp rapefest. I'm sorry you got kicked, but those are our server rules, if you don't like them you are welcome to play elsewhere.

Besides, no uncamp can really cover 2 flags throughly enough to make this rule unfair.
Pretty much if we make that kind of exception to the rule it would give everyone an excuse to go into uncap and we would have no real way of quickly checking to see if your future target was that sniper.

You do make good points but you give someone an inch and they take a mile. just duck in cover and snipe them. or get someone else to.
I shot ten in a row at the PAC Port Bavaria base the other night from Military Barracks. I never even had to get close. Next time, stay back and take the easy shots.
There is only 2 solutions I have ever found when hitting an uncap. Snipe them back, or rocket them, However, don't camp people. I know its not truly fair. At the end however, its the rules. Not every rule is fair. Look at it at this example; for our titan servers, you can't camp with a Gunship, Correct? However, you can camp with a SAWW all you want. It isn't exactly fair, but the rules are there for a reason. Even though one thing may not seem right, it is the rules. It is just the name of the game, it won't change, and we all have to deal with it. You just need to know a way to better yourself into this situation without being in the uncap.
The rule of open season on personnel attacking out of the uncap works quite well, as Dorb should know, since TG servers allow it. That and friendly fire being on are the two reasons I switch to TG servers whenever they are populated.

However, the rules are the rules and I will abide by them ... countersnipe or rockets it is.

As for the teabag? Well worth you wasting a little more precious time and tickets over the body of someone who couldnt see you anyway! I hope you enjoyed it half as much as I enjoyed the sound thrashing we gave you on that map since you were all cowering in that bunker!