BFBC2 Wake Island?


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Sounds like Wake Island is back again?

When looking at the recently published Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ratings certificate, one thing caught our eye that was more than a bit unexpected, which is the mention of “players conduct missions on an unnamed Japanese island during World War II and then move into the modern day.” When this revolution started to make its way around the Internet, it seems that speculation is ripe that the unnamed island is none other than Wake Island, which has been a long-time Battlefield favorite and has been reproduced for just about all of the Battlefield titles over the years.

What we do know is that some of the weapons from the download-only Battlefield 1943 will be available within Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Some in the community are speculating that the decision to add this map might be a way for the company to test the waters on an updated WWII offering that would be a more in-depth revival of the original Battlefield 1942 than the download-only 1943 was. DICE, along with Electronic Arts, is said to have been very surprised and pleased with the sales of the 1943 download release and are wondering in which direction to move with this data in planning their upcoming release strategy.

Still, some are suggesting that the Japanese island level could be nothing more than a flashback; but we tend to think it might be something more to establish some interest for a possible future release. Still, if it is that Wake Island were included with the game that would be a very good place to play, from what we have seen in the beta and the demo with the modern weapons provided within the BFBC2 game.

As the release inches closer, it should be noted that the ratings board rated the title “M” for Mature for blood, strong language and violence. There is no surprise in that as the Battlefield has been delivering blood, strong language, and violence with every release. After checking again over the weekend, we continue to hear that the title is still on track for a March 2nd release in North America, with a March 5th release in Europe for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC platforms.
Interesting find six, I would like to see how the lack of tactical fighters has an impact on the game play of wake island in BC2. I remember in bf2 Jets practically ruined the whole map, unless you were in it lol, then it was awesome.
Wake was a fun map in BF2 if you had a good squad. We routinely, as the US, negated the jets with one good pilot engaging the J10 and another pilot bailing over the airfield. Once the bailer landed the rest of the squad would spawn and many times we capture the airfield in time to take the other J10 that was sitting on the runway. From there on in it was a slaughterfest in our favor :)

All that aside, if you had a couple of even competent pilots, that map was balanced enough that infantry could take over, and with a good gunship crew either side could put a hurting on the infantry as well.

All in all, that was my favorite map in BF2, but I hate the one in 2142.
What sixer is saying is that he kicked ass in the jet and left me to do the suicide runs on the capture points.
Not true...entirely. I was happy to take the capture points if we had somebody else to handle the jets. Plus, when they released the Wake map I had spent close to 300 hours in a tank and none in a jet.
I spent a few houts pinned in that corner of Wake a few times...lOL; I loved taking a boat out to the aircraft carrier and spawn camping; BF2142 wake just sucks a big one. As for the tank sixer helo TVs were just plain deadly for the tanks. I wonder if DICE would get a clue about snow maps = Northern Strike(FLOP).