
Yeah, that's one of the things which I thought was pretty lame in that game.
has anyone know what the medic kit is used for even though they have regenerative health system???
Dude I play medic all the time rack up a crap load of points. I always look for the groups that are in a firefight and throw hubs down in the middle of 'em.....pays off :D Regenerative health goes slow throw a hub down and it speeds it up.
I r not sure that I like BC2 >:o I play your normal Server... and I shoot someone like 5 times and they dun die... These Noob weapons suck too.... I tend to die with 1 hit but cant kill anyone with 1 hit when I push the mouse button >:o
Bought it today,hope to sell it tomorrow,its ok,not my thing, for one I run fine for a few mins then lag up for about 5-6 secs,my systems up to snuff. Game play is well so so,hard to follow on what to do,spend to much time looking for peeps to shoot then actually playing.

Lower your god dammed settings to low and play on dx9
Now i played all yesterday morning and not one hic-up, so i dont know whats up,but i did make it to private-3..wooohooo
nice. play should be even smoother today and tomorrow night even better. they are doing hardware upgrades to the EA master server. :D
I must say that being an avid COD player I actually hated this game when I first started. But once I found HC deathmatch and started ranking up. I love this game and cant play enough! You really need to play hardcore you shoot someone and they die! I am playing all graphic detail on high that may make a difference. I have found that I need to stay the hell out of vehicles. I drive like Im learning to drive a stick shift all over again. ;.)

But I find the HC squad deathmatch to be a blast! There is no better feeling then sneaking up and stabbing a sniper in the head, taking his rifle and sniping a few players with it. I have even shot the sniper with his rifle after he spawned.

It is a matter of getting to know the maps finding the gun you like and ranking up.

SDM actually plays much like COD TDM. IMO:mtfault:

I must say that being an avid COD player I actually hated this game when I first started. But once I found HC deathmatch and started ranking up. I love this game and cant play enough! You really need to play hardcore you shoot someone and they die! I am playing all graphic detail on high that may make a difference. I have found that I need to stay the hell out of vehicles. I drive like Im learning to drive a stick shift all over again. ;.)

But I find the HC squad deathmatch to be a blast! There is no better feeling then sneaking up and stabbing a sniper in the head, taking his rifle and sniping a few players with it. I have even shot the sniper with his rifle after he spawned.

It is a matter of getting to know the maps finding the gun you like and ranking up.

SDM actually plays much like COD TDM. IMO:mtfault:


Alright, slinger. I'm getting the game now. These were just the words I wanted to hear. I miss our "knife-dancing" in the COD server. :)
awesome corky! I look forward to you tasting my shaft again! ;.) I mean blade!


no im not sry for all caps! ;.)
