Breach is Here -- And only $11.99 on Steam


Registered User
Dec 10, 2010
Breach was released yesterday on Steam and they are selling it for $11.99 between now and Feb 1st. So, for anyone who was interested in it a week ago, now's your chance to check it out ( very cheap! )

Save 20% on Breach on Steam

I'll be buying my copy in a few minutes and hopefully playing by this weekend if my professor's don't spring any last minute surprises on us... Let the new year of gaming begin!
It looks pretty cool but so did a lot of the other games I have that are now sitting around collecting dust.. I have already spent my allotted budget for entertainment this month but for $11.99 I may add it to my list of goodies for February. At that price if I end up hating it, I won't feel so bad and since it a download it won't end up sitting around collecting dust. :)
I should have said something earlier about this. It doesn't have true dedicated servers. Very similar to how MW2 works. Don't waste your money.
I said I had my doubts in the beginning. And then you vehemently argued me in to place with your vast marketing knowledge, indy gaming expertise, and utter certainty about what a hit this would be...

Thankfully I didn't purchase it yet. I was waiting until this afternoon cause StyleEase finally released their Mac client and I plan on getting that today for my Macbook Pro, as well. But I sure feel like a big ape for even making a post about this game if the game is just a flop. Thanks for the great idea, Soulzz!
I supported it because I thought it would be decent. The same principle applies to all games (Indie and Mainstream); if it doesn't ship with dedicated servers, or is buggy as shit, then it's a no-buy.
Soulzz supports alot of crappy games. He sees a new FPS gathers some info about it and starts to hype it up. Sure the info he gets is all true but devs leave out alot of info until its about to release or is released. they hope the hype from the months of good info will override a few big downsides...
Thankfully I didn't purchase it yet. I was waiting until this afternoon cause StyleEase finally released their Mac client and I plan on getting that today for my Macbook Pro, as well.

Good deal. I'm glad you're getting that as it will make your papers a lot easier to write and a lot cleaner, citation wise.
Well, it's another console game ported to PC with lots of bugs, from the complaints I see on their forums. Breach IT claims they're still working on dedicated servers for multiplayer fps modes but right now-nada.

I guess this explains the $22.00 price tag or $11.00 sale on Steam. Bummer, this one has a very good graphics engine too bad it will never work properly on a PC.

That said, I continue to have high hopes for Red Orchestra 2 as it is developed for PC only :)
Soulzz supports alot of crappy games. He sees a new FPS gathers some info about it and starts to hype it up. Sure the info he gets is all true but devs leave out alot of info until its about to release or is released. they hope the hype from the months of good info will override a few big downsides...

Soulzz = Evil

Good deal. I'm glad you're getting that as it will make your papers a lot easier to write and a lot cleaner, citation wise.
Oh yeah! Checked out the trial version on my PC and I'm really digging quite a few things about it. Every Thursday I've got a Psychopharmacology class (four frackin hours cause it's only once a week ) and our professor makes us type a detailed glossary and applications list every week in perfect APA format ( something I never got right until using StyleEase. ) So, this little software gem has become invaluable for tracking, sorting, and placing all my sources. All I can say is thanks much!

Definitely a great suggestion, brother. Awesome program!
I should have said something earlier about this. It doesn't have true dedicated servers. Very similar to how MW2 works. Don't waste your money.

I am glad you spoke up when you did. Based on what you said in your replies, I have decied not to purchase this game.
server files should be coming tomorrow. Thats what I am told, if anyone is getting the game
Has anyone actually played it? If so would you please give a quick synopsis? I mean for $12 it's not a major investment but I still don't like to waste money.
Soulzz supports alot of crappy games. He sees a new FPS gathers some info about it and starts to hype it up. Sure the info he gets is all true but devs leave out alot of info until its about to release or is released. they hope the hype from the months of good info will override a few big downsides...

I guess the term is relative; what do you define as a crappy game? Yes, I have made mistakes on which games we should get, but I've learned a lot since then. I've been 'hyping' RO: HOS for a good while now. Other then that, I have talked about Natural Selection 2, and a few other indies, namely Breach.

If people don't care about quality and just want pretty graphics, they'll stay with Mainstream developers. If people care about quality, and want to play games made for the PC, then Indie is the way to go. If RO: HOS turns out to be terrible, I won't recommend it, just as I've done with Breach, MW2, and Black Ops. That being said, I really think RO: HOS is going to be a very fun and long lasting experience.
I really think.. HOS is going to be a very fun and long lasting experience.
That gets me so hot when you talk like that; go on don't stop there!