Chopper ownage!


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Balls was kind enough to fly me around for a couple of times in the helo on Atacama Rush HC tonight. I went 70-0 bailing before we went splat. The entire round the other team was claiming hacks! Thanks Balls for the ride, that was fun! I ended up 80-7 for the round :)

That was fun...smoke ftw. Sixer was 34/1 after the first run; the sad thing is that we switched to recon toward the end; Everybody had RPG's & Gustavs + tracer darts flying everywhere. You fuckin hacker.
Nice one... must be easier to get kills in Hardcore or something, best I've done even on longer rounds is like 30 or something...
Good shit six, HC is the way to go for chopper kills, the gun is insane when you pair it up with warheads or optics
Yeah, we only had the Hind, so no missiles for Balls, but it was fun mowing down the infantry!
As the younger generation would say, "That's just sick !! "

Nice one guys!
Balls was kind enough to fly me around for another HC rush round. We only got up in the air twice, but I went 69-2 during that time and got one of the objectives by blowing up the building with the Hind :)

You'll love this-I got banned from a server last night for my K/D ratio using the Hind. Balls was flying again and after twice in the air I was 55-2 I just got my 60th kill and was banned for a high K/D ratio lol. It's sad because they weren't coming close to shooting us down and the times we did die was because a squad mate shot a gustov from inside the back of the Hind and killed us, not the enemy.

I was able to get back in the server but got a warning for having such a high K/D ratio lol.
Yup - you guys have been fucking killing it in the chopper - being on the other side of Atacama rush isn't even worth it.

In fact my computer has a tough time dealing with all the destruction at once - crazy
Nice round; I ended up going 0/, but I had 2600pts just from kill assist.
That is a very impressive screenshot. Too bad you can't rank up anymore cause that would of been classified as 2 ranks lol.