Comp Tick Sounds


Registered User
Mar 23, 2011
I have been having this problem for almost 3 days now. Everytime I turn on my computer and as it's loading up, I hear ticking sounds from I don't know where but I have tried looking for solutions to this problem and can't find jack shit for my computer. I have a HP a1700n desktop computer. A few years back I ended up catching a spyware that ruined one of my hard-drives and I only have 1 hard-drive now. I can't think if this is a hard-drive issue going bad or what it is. Can someone help me download or get rid of something I don't need on this computer? I don't know what to do anymore. it's driving me nuts. Could this be from a software or hardware issue? I'm lost. Please help!


the only solution that i can think of would be to re-format. Or rollback changes from 3 days ago?
dark i am confused is this hardware sound, or sound emitting from your speakers?
the only solution that i can think of would be to re-format. Or rollback changes from 3 days ago?

I believe I re-formatted my comp maybe about twice. I'm trying to not screw my comp up. Is it possible that I need a new hard-drive?
2 things it could be

1. a hard drive could be making the " click" sound, which could be the swing arm of the hard drive is hanging. trouble shooting solution , run a full hard drive bad sector test.

2. heat dissipation, a component could be overheating and the expanding and contracting. The nature that something does when heat is applied. The only way to be for sure on this is if somethings fails. ( this is similar when a car is shut off and you hear a ticking sound it's metal contracting from it cooling off)
Why hasn't you called soulzz over to install the upgrades yet and just get him to listen with his virgin ears?
There are only a few moving parts in a PC. Hopefully its just a cable that is rubbing a fan.

Drives (CD, DVD, etc.)

If you need a tool to scan your comp for malicious items look at Malwarebytes.

Malwarebytes : Free anti-malware, anti-virus and spyware removal download

thanks rain! you don't think it's a hard-drive issue or my hard-drive is going bad?

dark i am confused is this hardware sound, or sound emitting from your speakers?

the sound is coming from the inside of my computer from the min i turn it on. this is why i'm confused myself. to see what you guys think.
2 things it could be

1. a hard drive could be making the " click" sound, which could be the swing arm of the hard drive is hanging. trouble shooting solution , run a full hard drive bad sector test.

2. heat dissipation, a component could be overheating and the expanding and contracting. The nature that something does when heat is applied. The only way to be for sure on this is if somethings fails. ( this is similar when a car is shut off and you hear a ticking sound it's metal contracting from it cooling off)

how do i run the hard drive bad sector test through windows vista 32 bit?

Why hasn't you called soulzz over to install the upgrades yet and just get him to listen with his virgin ears?

I will be calling him tonight so he can swing by tomorrow.
fans are the easiest thing to test. pop open your case and power it up. put your finger on each fan one at a time lightly to see if its vibrating. ive had fans go bad and thats exactly what they do. after that i would look at your drives and HDD.
I had the same problem, solution, replaced every fucking thing but the case...lmao.
To get to the error checking
Double click "Computer"
Right click your "C drive" (or whatever you have it as) and select "properties"
Click on tools tab, then error checking

It will not run from there, but will pop up a window asking if you want to do it at the next restart. Select Yes and then restart your machine. I would do this overnight if you select the automatically scan for and repair bad sectors option. If that option is checked, it could take hours before done. Just a heads up on that.
To get to the error checking
Double click "Computer"
Right click your "C drive" (or whatever you have it as) and select "properties"
Click on tools tab, then error checking

It will not run from there, but will pop up a window asking if you want to do it at the next restart. Select Yes and then restart your machine. I would do this overnight if you select the automatically scan for and repair bad sectors option. If that option is checked, it could take hours before done. Just a heads up on that.

thx bob! that helped. did exactly what you said and i didnt hear anything. hopefully its better now
thx bob! that helped. did exactly what you said and i didnt hear anything. hopefully its better now

BTW, Your hardrive is failing , that is one of many tell tale signs of it beginning to fail. I recommend backing up your files and soon. Plan getting a new one soon. Cause it could fail at anytime and you don't want to be left with losing data.

And to my second response from posted earlier, it was a joke, but nobody got it.
Dark I agree with Guerrillero 100 % on that recommendation. If the noise went away after doing those tests, and you are sure it was not something rubbing a fan, then you need to replace the drive asap. While it is possible to run it the way it is for a unknown time. It would be a gamble to say the least. You have all ready stated you do not have another. Make a complete back up and get a drive, or two. There pretty cheap now-a-days.
Dark I agree with Guerrillero 100 % on that recommendation. If the noise went away after doing those tests, and you are sure it was not something rubbing a fan, then you need to replace the drive asap. While it is possible to run it the way it is for a unknown time. It would be a gamble to say the least. You have all ready stated you do not have another. Make a complete back up and get a drive, or two. There pretty cheap now-a-days.

I've never had a problem with old drives that clicked; would run for years before replacement. Regardless, it's all the more reason to keep your data backed up. Samsung Spinpoint F4 2TB drives are pretty cheap and reasonably reliable.
Installed the CPU for Darksteppa today. Had to reload his OS for the CPU to be properly detected. We are going to get a D-Sub to DVI converter for the 5850.