Cooling Fan for the RAM


Registered User
Mar 3, 2009
Does anyone use a Cooling fan for their RAM? I've seen reports of using a fan for the RAM knocks about 10C of the total temps. I was curious to hear some actual interactive thoughts on the concept.

'Sides, how do you measure temperature? An IR thermometer would be best to check the surface temperatures. Usually it's unnecessary to run fans right atop the RAM--you'd be better off with good airflow overall. Unless you're running at insane clocks, of course.
Ive had a lossless encode running for the last 14 hours slamming the entire system 2 drives the cpu and of course the ram. The ram couldn't even be described as warm though it has factory heat spreaders. There was a time when ram temperatures where of some concern but I was reading around when I built this and decided like Tommy boy that better air flow through the case was the best solution. 10C off something that's probably 35C right now, i could give less a crap about.

Renno I actually think the ram cooler is more important to your system because of the water cooled setup. You probably have less airflow across your ram than i do. Though in such a wonderful case the air would be less turbulent one way or the other mines a tad small...
My system is also water cooled, with memory clocked at 2133. The air above ram reads upwards of around 200+ degrees farenhiet This is why I am looking into seperate cooling for the RAM.
The air above ram reads upwards of around 200+ degrees farenhiet

SAY WHAT. Yeah go for it thats crazy. Mine is only 1600 on the XMP Overclock and runs at the Intel prefered voltage of 1.5v. AT that overclock and probably higher voltage (1.65?) a bit more heat is bound to happen.

Also aren't you in the middle of nowhere and the temps are hellish anyways? Unless i got you confused with the rest of the sun bathers that work here lol.
I dont believe in it unless youre doing some heavy overclocking. Your best bet would be just to get some heatspreaders(most performance ram already has spreads on) and just plan out your airflow so that air is going across where your ram is. That should be fine.
The tubes from the water cooler hover over the RAM, I tried running them in the other direction, but for msome reason the radiator didn't does not like that position and runs higher temps. My AMD chip draws a lot of power at full load.

The RAM is stable with, and I want make a correction, it is not 2133 speed. I had that number on the brain from looking at some Corsiar 2133 XMP ram. LOL. My RAM is clocked at 1600 not 2133.

For 20$, it is one of those gadgets that couldn't hurt if added to the computer.

yes I am in the desert, but the computer is sitting the corner of the room back in the states. I'm having my wife add or make changes while on Video chat with her.

I get these temps not from the RAM, but from the Water cooling tubes like stated above.
RC, if you are having your wife upgrade your computer while doing video chats with her, you clearly haven't been in the desert long enough.
RC, if you are having your wife upgrade your computer while doing video chats with her, you clearly haven't been in the desert long enough.

oh I've been out here to long. Those "other" sessions are held a different time. LOL
Thanks SID, I've also found a vew other goodies to add to the computer. Some of them are overkill just a bit.
I found a digital thermal reader that mounts in the old Floppy bay. I found a tray, kinda like a smalll drawer that mounts in the 5.25" bay.
Post the link's. I like to see the cool stuff other's find.

Still waiting for Renno to post the water cooling kit he was telling me about.
I used a closed system right now, but I plan on moving to full custom liquid cooling kit after I get everything stable.( and when a GTX680 Hydrocopper comes available) There's also a company on that makes quick disconnect tubes. I thought was a novel Idea.