Creating a new computer parts list. Would like some help.


Retired Founder
Retired Founder
Mar 28, 2015
Alright guys. Especially @Ghstops6. I plan on building a new AMD Ryzen PC. All I will need is the motherboard, Processor, RAM, and Cooler. I would love to hear what you guys have for suggestions. I am still looking for a good motherboard, but i have one listed for suggestions. Thanks guys!

Ram (16BG to start with:)


Mobo (Anything better?:)

I would say this mobo but that's me (and ASRock has been my go to for the recent Ryzen build.) A few dollars more but a good value. No sense in going x370 unless you're wanting to do SLi or Crossfire. Make sure to update the BIOS ASAP as you want to get the latest microcode updates in order to successfully utilize the full speed of your memory.

With the memory I would want to check the QVL list as most memory would default to 2133 or 2400. Again before attempting to set the XMP profile make sure to update the BIOS.

The 1700 Processor is what I use. Should be able to get to at least 3.6 or 3.7GHz with nominal voltage bump. Plus it's 65W TDP vs the X version at 95W TDP which should help with overclocking.

Cooler should be pretty solid. I think you've got a good build potential. If you feel like getting the x370 board I'm all about the Taichi:

But that's me :p

- GhstOps6

Edit: Wrong link for the Taichi
Just took a small peak at the QVL. SO MUCH TO CHOOSE FROM. Which ones you rockin?
Anything at 3000 or 3200. Seems to be a sweet spot as others can't go beyond 3600.
I meant which model?
And thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it.
Sick. Those were one of the sets I was looking at.
I like them. But yeah I can't run them at their rated speed just yet.
Im not the biggest fan for the Corsair cooler....when I first got one for my current PC, my AMD HATED it.... it didnt want to fit right, didnt seem to work properly, or at full ablilty. I spent hrs trying to figure out what could be wrong along with a few hours with Corsair customer support along with a RMA swapped unit from them with no solution. So I switched to Thermaltake and my computer and CPU has been happy ever since.

I would recommend getting this Thermaltake instead, it is the new counterpart to my current one, and my CPU loves it, keeps it mostly at a happy 37C.

For the board my own personal preference is Gigabyte, i have had good overall experience with them and they seem to work very well with AMD processors. I also like the DUAL BIOS as Ive had some unfortunate issues a few times where the backup BIOS came in handy.

I agree with Ghstops on checking the ram and making sure the BIOS is good to go. I unfortunatly dont have any reccomendations because my favorite ram isnt made anymore, so I havent branched out yet into looking in to other ram.
I would say this mobo but that's me (and ASRock has been my go to for the recent Ryzen build.) A few dollars more but a good value. No sense in going x370 unless you're wanting to do SLi or Crossfire. Make sure to update the BIOS ASAP as you want to get the latest microcode updates in order to successfully utilize the full speed of your memory.

With the memory I would want to check the QVL list as most memory would default to 2133 or 2400. Again before attempting to set the XMP profile make sure to update the BIOS.

The 1700 Processor is what I use. Should be able to get to at least 3.6 or 3.7GHz with nominal voltage bump. Plus it's 65W TDP vs the X version at 95W TDP which should help with overclocking.

Cooler should be pretty solid. I think you've got a good build potential. If you feel like getting the x370 board I'm all about the Taichi: x370&portal-device-attributes=desktop&qid=1497059427&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2

But that's me :p

- GhstOps6

Edit: Wrong link for the Taichi
From all the reviews I've seen the Taichi kicks ass all over the place in just about every department. That's the one I'd get if I was doing a build now. Hell, it's probably the one I'll get in July since I'm thinking about doing a Ryzen build then.
I'm still torn between the 1700x and the 1800x for the cpu.

For the motherboard, definitely the Taichi at this point:

Memory, either Gskill or Corsair

Truthfully there really is little to no difference other than slightly better clock speeds on the 1800x for an additional 100+ dollars. Given how most chips top out at 3.8 - 4.0GHz, I would just go with the 1700x out of the two choices and just overclock the rest of the way up.

Just to give you guys an idea, here's some data regarding's averages for users overclocking their Ryzen 7 cpus:

And current leader board:
Duuude, go 32 gigs, or 24 at least (24 = 8+4+8+4). You will need it quite soon.
I agree. I figured start with 16 then get a couple paychecks and get the rest.
Truthfully there really is little to no difference other than slightly better clock speeds on the 1800x for an additional 100+ dollars. Given how most chips top out at 3.8 - 4.0GHz, I would just go with the 1700x out of the two choices and just overclock the rest of the way up.

Just to give you guys an idea, here's some data regarding's averages for users overclocking their Ryzen 7 cpus:

And current leader board:

I was just thinking I didn't want to bother overclocking anything. I guess that depends on if the 1700x does well in games also without an overclock. I'll be using for audio ripping, compiling, and video compilation. At least in BF1 I can't even record and play as it gets too choppy with my 4790k.