DoD leadership continues to shit on the military

You can tell people there are jobs out there, but they have to apply. They have to be willing to do those jobs, they have to have motivation to keep those jobs. I will tell you right now, unless Brown wants to wash dishes, there is no mid to high range restaurant that will hire him right off the bar for anything but that. I was there the minute I got out of the military. Unless you follow in your trade field in which you have bu cu experience or a no less than bachelors degree you will get the shaft in the job market. It is getting even worse now where they (employers) want both. I am sorry, but if I could only stand washing dishes at a high end restaurant in an arena for a year I don't think many others can. You can say it is a job, but until you actually do it, you have no experience to base your views on. That shit grates on you, your pride, your family life. I ran thru 3 high school kids, 1 college kid, 5 people of questionable character, and about 40 or so half way house guys, plus about 10 illegals. Sorry, but when a guy who who just got out of prison says I have a shitty job, makes you think a little. Now honestly I have no recommendations for you Brown, I can sympathize, but I cannot empathize because everyone's situation is different. I hope your luck changes soon. If not do do what Soulzz does...sell the anus to rich men, make sure they pay cash though.
Negative ghostrider, it is a British actor by the name of Stuart Wilson. He was the bad guy in Lethal Weapon 3, One of the generals in The Rock, Hot Fuzz, and a bunch of other movies.
I went through something similar to brown when the economy bombed and it happened to me twice. When 9\11 happened the housing market in AZ crashed and I did electrical work. I was able to pick up the pieces of that and got into doing tile setting on my own then some shitty luck made me lose everything that I was working for in that. Then the markets crashed and I had to move home to my Mom's. I spent about the next ten years going form one job to the next to only get the shaft by my employer. Denied a promotion so they can give it to some fucking moron or as in my last job to a complete and total fuck up, a drunk who came to work looking like and smelling like a homeless person, I am not exaggerating this. I was able to take a risk at 34 because I have no kids and only have to support me and a fat ass cat. So I cashed out my 401K and hit the job market and I got lucky. I just did my first day where I work now and I already know I will work here till I can no longer physically do the job, an entry level position will put me at about 50K a year and I know I won't be at entry level for very long. Brown getting a job at a restaurant doesn't make fiscal sense, he would probably make less money paying for childcare working then he would not working and doing childcare on his own.

There are people out there that just need to get a fucking job, any job. I personally know of many examples of how people fuck the system and don't work. WELFARE REFORM. Brown isn't one of those people because he doesn't qualify for the assistance that his kids actually needs due to his wife making "too much money". In a few months after I establish myself where I work I would throw in a good word for him where I work so he can make the money I will make this time next year but I doubt he wants his wife to give up her job just so he can be in a similar situation in Washington state. His situation sucks, anyone can get a job making 20k a year but sometimes it isn't a financially responsible choice to make.

My mother prayed for me every night that I would get an opportunity like the one I have now and I always tell her don't pray for me pray for people that really need it, I need to know browns real name so I can tell her to pray for him because it worked for me.
good quote, "...
anyone can get a job making 20k a year but sometimes it isn't a financially responsible choice to make."
when I quit my last job I could have taken a job making that much money, could have had it within a week no problem I didn't take it because I wanted more. That is just my situation I was about to take a job like that when I couldn't find work but thankfully I didn't have to do that. everyone's situation is different
sorry to hear that brown, raising a family of 7 can be challenging.. even if you are a millionaire lol.. you are blessed though with such an awesome family like that.

As per the topic: I think it's kind of funny that we can separate our soldiers for violating the military's honor code, even the highest generals are not safe... BUT... our highest echelons who reside in DC are untouchable.

funny how the world works....

talk to me on TS for a more simplified and direct opinion... I cannot post it here.
As per the topic: I think it's kind of funny that we can separate our soldiers for violating the military's honor code, even the highest generals are not safe... BUT... our highest echelons who reside in DC are untouchable.

funny how the world works....

My friends and family mostly think the same thing about those in office now. I list 3-5 examples of out and out lying/twofacery and all I get back in return is "everyone lies in politics". When did that become the norm? Why don't we as a people vote these clowns out and not get beaten down by the all mighty dollar droning endless attack ads every election season.

Answer(IMHO): Most people are sheep, wolves are in charge of the flock, things don't look good for common sense.
I list 3-5 examples of out and out lying/twofacery and all I get back in return is "everyone lies in politics". When did that become the norm?
People also like to say "they're all the same democrats and republicans", generally speaking people saying that are either deflecting the actions of someone they support or are too fucking lazy to learn about what they are talking about. If they were all the same we wouldn't have contentious elections.
What I don't understand is why people keep voting for one side or the other if the results are the same. Hell I voted for the green party last election and I don't even know who it was.
There are two ways to control a populace, one is through love and leadership. This is the more high end way which is incredibly hard to do because human beings suck. The other way to control people is through fear/hate, everyone should know this one. It has been a staple since the beginning of time. However if you wish for examples in modern times I submit for your review; the eugenics movement which culminated in the creation of Nazi Germany, the East versus West Cold War fear which started two major wars and a bunch of little shadow ones, the climate change movement which started damn near the day after the Cold War ended, the lets bomb the Middle East because they all "hate" America. How do republicans control you? They tell you to support them and shun the democrats or else some gay man/woman is going to break into you house rape you then evict you while taking everything you own and worked for then sell it all to someone who does not live here. How do democrats control their followers, they tell them that need to vote for them or some fat cat, rich, neo nazi, religious zealot, with no brains, and a ton of guns is going to kill them, the people they love, and their whole community because of race, religion or whatnot. I have studied this, in my opinion as informed voter come to realize that the two main parties in our current government system are flawed. I do not trust either of them. The feed off the fear that they create. You are right Mac, people are too lazy these days, multiple choice questions are so much easier when all you have to choose is A or B. Especially when you are ostracized for thinking of something other than A or B.
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I can say getting employment now is much more difficult than say 2 years ago or 5 years ago. I was laid off in November and has taken until 2 weeks ago for me to find employment. I had a savings account which i had around 9 months of bills covered with. I was going down to the Oregon employment dept, Cardinal employment services, South Coast business... sitting down for countless pre-screens, interviews, phone interviews ect ect ect. I have employment now after persisting for months... But it was not fast and was not easy. Like it or not we are in a depression. Business is slower and with that comes less jobs, less employees ect ect. Do i think they need to have better selection processes for social programs? Yes, most certainly. How likely is it for our government to determine who "truly" needs the assistance and who leeches because of laziness.... well i don't think it is likely. If you are expecting to get a 100k a year or more job without a college degree and/or military experience in the related field, you are in for a tough road if not impossible.

The way i look at it... If you are unemployed, Minimum wage is more income than what you're making. Get a minimum wage job and keep looking for something more. Take courses if you haven't while working. Financial aid is so freaking easy to get once you lay out your expenses and your the money you have to live on afterwards. Get the courses or certifications out of the way so you can start looking for better and better. When i was hired at PetFlow, I was hired as a call center agent... was supposed to get a $9.50 per hour ( oregon minum wage is $9.10 per hour) I am now getting a whopping $16 an hour because i am now in HR for the company.... am i happy with staying at that? No. Am i happy that i have a positive income? Yes. Will i continue to search for better things? Most definitely.
@Brownstreaks , Don't take anything in my previous statement to be directed towards you or your situation. It just frankly pisses me off when i see someone that is on food stamps and welfare... and they afford to smoke pot and drink a metric fuck ton of booze. People like that are the scum of society and they make it difficult for the honest family that is trying to support their family. I know this happens because i live in a town where there is a 32% unemployment rate. I know the winter has been harsh for everyone back east. I am paying $340.00 a month for oil to heat my house because i have to have it at 70 degrees for my parrots. Student loans are one thing that i wouldn't wish on anyone. I have funded my classes through pell grants. I just hope things start looking up for you man.

@Snakebabies, Yes it may not be financially responsible to make that your goal in life to work for 20k a year. But when it comes between having that 20 grand and not having it because you are unemployed and keep waiting for that greener grass, is less responsible. Take everything in steps; Set small goals and set where you want to be in 5 years; And have a plan in place in between. Nothing stopping someone from putting 2 weeks notice in at a shitty job to get on with a better one.

@LovermanOwens , Common sense hasn't been used in the mind set of our politicians for decades. WE THE PEOPLE have to take a stand if we expect anything to change for the good. The only reason why our country has gotten to this point is ignorance of the public. People either do not know, don't care, or a combination of both; This is a recipe for disaster.
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This does not happen in ISRAEL, because we all are in it to preserve not our way of life, but our actual lives. If a soldier is injuried in the line of DUTY he is cared for, for life. More often than not, our young people serve two years, express interest in becoming an officer full time and go to college than return to the officer corp. It disgusts me as a consultant to see this happening cause i work with the USMC on communication projects.

Maintaining the trend set by turncoat shitbags like Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno and Joint Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey, Secretary of Defense Removal Chuck Hagel has proposed yet another massive round of cuts to the DoD this time drawing down the Army to pre-WWII levels, entirely eliminating the A-10 aircraft from service and the U-2 spyplane which for some reason remains our pre-eminent reconnaissance aircraft despite being nearly 60 years old (the SR-71 Blackbird was retired by our last two term Democrat President as was the A-10 the only other time it was retired).

"Hagel would recommend a limit on military pay raises, higher fees for health-care benefits, less generous housing allowances, and a one-year freeze on raises for top military brass."
The proposal would also cut the number of soldiers by 120,000.

Anyhow, this has become par for the course for the DoD over the past 2 years, all upper echelon civilian leadership appointed recently have been drawdown specialists from Hagel at the top to the number two at DoD Christine Fox. Christine Fox has spent her entire career as a defense beancounter and this somehow qualifies her to be the second most powerful person in the Department of Defense.

Hagel would recommend a limit on military pay raises, higher fees for health-care benefits, less generous housing allowances, and a one-year freeze on raises for top military brass.

On a very related note, 43 flag grade officers have been removed or removed themselves which has left an enormous vacuum in senior leadership which has been promptly filled with amenable officers who share the administrations policy leanings.
well this country doesnt have the luxury of putting graduating seniors through boot and make them learn about discipline and selfless service and honour (etc; etc) in the mandatory 2 years before they can attend college!
Also Americans are greedy if you havent figured that out yet
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Tax big pharma.

Problem solved from that end.

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