Does anyone have a joystick working in Rising Storm 2 Vietnam?


Registered User
Feb 12, 2020
I have a Logitech 3D Extreme Pro that works okay except for the POV/HAT.
Any ideas?
i haven't tried, from what i understand there isn't any HOTAS support for the game.
I'll try it later today, not sure if I already did... the flight mechanics could certainly use it.
Joy2Key costs money.
People that like RS2VN should post at Steam, as a suggestion, to incorporate joystick functionality.
yea no out of the box joystick binding possible...
Got the POV to work as a mouse. I used 'antimicro-2.23-win32.msi'.
All I did was set the POV to mouse movements and save the file.
Other key presses for the game are set using the Logitech Gaming Profiler, v5.10.127
Just hold your assigned Freelook button and then the POV works.
The utility program must be running for the pov to ack as the mouse.
When being a soldier the hat works ... and when in a chopper pressing the freelook key allows the hat to work.
What a great little utility. I assume some other joysticks would work as well.

Update: if you enable freelook by default you will not have to press the freelook button. Works flawlessly!
I also set up my other key presses using this utility program so Logitech program is not needed.
It's best to have the Logitech Profiler running as well.

the antimicro file I cannot upload but here is the code that was generated in the output file: rs2vn.joystick.amgp

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<joystick configversion="19" appversion="2.23">
<!--The SDL name for a joystick is included for informational purposes only.-->
<sdlname>Logitech Extreme 3D</sdlname>
<!--The GUID for a joystick is included for informational purposes only.-->
<set index="1">
<axis index="1">
<axis index="2">
<axis index="3">
<axis index="4">
<dpad index="1">
<dpadbutton index="1">
<dpadbutton index="8">
<dpadbutton index="4">
<dpadbutton index="2">

example of the Logitech setup:


  • rs2vn logitech 3d extreme pro example.jpg
    rs2vn logitech 3d extreme pro example.jpg
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