driving range


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Not sure if anyone has been to driving range before. Its where you smack the shit out golf balls or try to hit targets. Fuck the targets, i just wanted to smack them out.

Anyway there are small little obstacles seperating people (2 on each side). I did not like the soil (to dry to stick the wood stick whatever you call it that holds the ball) so i moved my position a little bit to the right sort of facing the obstacle (brick looking thing). Its about 3 inches up from the ground. Basically i swung and hit the in the dead center of the obstacle and hit me back square in the balls. Not the schlong, the balls. I was no more than a feet away. Was down on the ground for good 15 minutes. I wish i had died it was so painful.

lmao i was swinging the club like happy gilmour and wearing a jackass t-shirt so yeah maybe i did deserve it. Liquor did solve the problem real quick though :D

Soulzz go get your mommy so i can test my balls if they are still operational!

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yPXiPd7nbM8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Fast, that's just....sad. Funny, but sad. You're lucky you didn't rupture a testicle or two.
thats funny, my older brother hit a rock one time, came back & he caught it; i was rolling.
Basically i swung and hit the in the dead center of the obstacle and hit me back square in the balls. Not the schlong, the balls. I was no more than a feet away. Was down on the ground for good 15 minutes. I wish i had died it was so painful.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Fail......
when i tap my balls gently now (LOL) they feel a bit swollen. But other than that I think its fine. I am not sure what the outcome would be if i had rupture something.

LIKE I MEAN FUCK........ IT DIDN'T HIT 1 NUT IT HIT BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT???????
Here's some handy advice, don't stand right next to or aim at the partitions. Everybody does something like that at least once. Chuck's hit one off a tree about 50 yards away that came right back and he caught it. Of course, he's also hit a bird in flight, geese, ducks, kingfishers, and one cadilllac that was traveling on the turn pike about 100 yards to the left of a tee box in florida :)

I've had shots that went in the road, bounced back to the cart path and put me about 20 yards in front of the green on a 450 yard hole:) I've also gotten them stuck in palm trees, and actually hit somebody on the tee box to the right and in front of me about 200 hundred yards out. He wasn't happy.

At the very least, bring a cup next time you go to the driving range. My brother took a slap shot with a hockey puck to his left nut and the thing swelled up to the size of a small grapefruit. The ER doc thought he ruptured it and did an ultra sound imaging on my brother's testicle-ouch! On the plus side he never forgot to wear his cup after that:)
You know.. I think he wants to pretend it hurt, but he really got an orgasm.
What he's really saying is he likes aggressive BDSM!!! :D.
If Soulzz is the doctor then who plays the nurse? And who's getting the rectal "medication"?