Game Console Recommendations?


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
I will always be a PC gamer first, however I am thinking about purchasing a console to expand my gaming horizons and would appreciate feedback & suggestions from those of you that already own a console system on which one I should purchase.

I have reviewed the Xbox360, Sony Play Station & Nintendo Wii but I still can't make up my mind on which one to go with. I know all the technical data on the 3 systems and I have read quite a few reviews online but I would like to get some feedback from you guys on which one you think I should go with.

If I purchase a console it will be my secondary method of gaming but since it is such a large investment I want to get as much input as possible before I make commit to dropping a few hundred dollars one purchasing one.
Forget consoles man, if you want to spend some money that you won't regret, just watch these three videos.

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Dont get the Wii if ur gaming choices are hardcore. Wii is more family oreinted although they have some action games. 360 and PS3 r both great. PS3 with its blu-ray and network play w/o having to pay subcription but u can only in game chat with the people playing the same game as u as the 360 u dont u can play a totally different game.
I'd say don't get a console. In my view, consoles are trash compared to what PC's can do.
Most of us here are olschool PC gamers and are loyal to the PC gaming genre. most if not all of the console gamers are casual gamers, or kids. If you decide to go that route you will not find anything close to community of gamers that exists here on the PC. If you are still seriously considering it, find a friend who has an Xbox, go to a game night with him, you notice that the MP on console is terrible, and very primitive.

Just trying to save you some money.
I have a ps3 it Is amazing for its. Blu ray and Netflix ability plus it's got a browser for surfing the web on the couch. Honestly i didn't even know it played games.. O well thats news to me. Nah I'm just messing. It just depends what you want to do. If your a tool that likes retro graphics and awkward controls get a wii If your wanna listen to 30000 kids bitch at you and call you newb get an xbox. If you want 20000 kids to bitch at you and call you newb, plus watch blu ray get a ps3
I think ever since BF2 came out I've played PC games only. I was sick and tired awesome graphics to shitty graphics in less than three months. Because PCs were always upgrading compared to consoles you're stuck with a non-upgradeable box for 3-5 years.
I would have to agree with most of the others.. consoles are somewhat antiquated compared to the power, precision and shear superiority of the PC.

That being said, if you really want a console - I'd go with the Xbox. Not only do they have some pretty cool games (including BC2), but it's a very powerful networking tool. I have a shitload of movies on my desktop and my NAS - I can stream them to my TV with ease. Xbox friends, Facebook, Netflix (with an assload of HD selections), Kinect - all very cool. Not to mention that because it's a Windows based console, it taps into Media center as well.

Maybe I'm biased because I have one. But, for gaming - they all suck compared to PCs. As far as a well rounded entertainment and networking device? I'd go with the Xbox.
Based on the feedback I am getting it would probably be better to stick with PC gaming and use the money I was going to put towards a console to better use.

I appreciate the feedback you guys probably saved me a great deal of money and a lot aggravation.
Spoken like a True Born Gamer!

I can only aspire to such greatness, hopefully someday I will be worthy of wearing those =TBG= tags. :)

On a serious note, I do appreciate all the feedback you guys have given me and after further consideration, I am certain I won't be wasting my money on a console system that is ultimately destined to sit on a shelve and collect dust because I have and always will be a PC gamer. (Old School Baby)

Thanks again guys for your feedback. : )
I would have chimed in but seems like the decision to not purchase a console has already been made.

I could give you a somewhat objective analysis as I have both a PS3 and a XBOX 360.

But I would always recommend an Atari 2600. :)

I myself play most of my games on the console because I just cant afford the machine to compete in PC games.

One major difference I've noticed from PC to consoles is that, on the consoles you just can't get rid of the cheaters, but on PC you can ban them if need be, except the XBOX Microsoft bans people all the time. A sad thing about the xbox is that all it takes to get some kind of ban is for enough people to report you, so if you pwn on some lesser skilled and they have enough friends you could banned and there goes your 60$ subscription fee.

I'm a hardcore PC gamer: however, I bought an xbox because I heard Splintercell: Conviction was only going to be released on it, and I'm a huge splintercell junky. Well, Spintercell turned out to be a huge disappointment, not to mention they DID release it on PC shortly after xbox. Bastards.

The first game I bought for my xbox was MW2. It was friggn epic! It made the buy completely worth it for me. I don't play xbox often, but recently I bought an xbox Kinect and Dance Central for Kinect. I'm now a Dance Central addict.

Where was I going with this?

Anyways, if you're going to buy a console, buy an xbox. Better (and way more) games, better accessories, better multiplayer capabilities, HD.

IMO the only advantage the PS3 has is the Blue-Ray player, but in another year blue-rays will be a dime a dozen. Wii is OK, but they're not for hardcore gamers, like that last guy said. They're too family oriented.
Don't let the thought of needing the lastest comp equipment detour into thinking that you won't be good unless you have it.

I run a harddrive.... it's a WD from 2003. DON'T even remember any specs on it.
I use a 9800 GTX+, still get good FPS from 2009
I use a matched 4GB cache set from 2007.
I use a AMD Phenon I quad core 9850 from 2009.

I'm not a top notch player, but I'm no slouch either.

Having good comp equipment is not going to make you a good gamer. It won't hurt your chances. As long is it functions and your having fun, and are being challenged. That;s what is all about really.

I was( still am) a big Halo Fan. I don't own an Xbox360, but I own an Xbox. I don't even play Halo 1 or 2 on it. I have them for the PC, so teh Xbox is just setting in a box in the garage. I can't even resell it. But you can continue to build on a PC and make better and better.
Yea I am pretty much going to stick to PC gaming at this point. I have 2 nice desktop systems that I built myself and real nice gaming notebook that I hardly every use. I also have a net book that usually sits around collecting dust, so it's not like I am pressed on hardware side. I was just considering purchasing a console because unlike PC games you can rent console games to try them out before you drop $60 or $70 dollars on a game you ultimately end up hating. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
With that being said I appreciate all the feedback that everyone has offered. You guys kept me from wasting a lot of money on something I would probably use a few times before it ended upon a shelf collecting dust. <o:p></o:p>
I got a 360 a while back cuz my xbox died and I have like 40 games for it. Well I didn't realize the 4gb xbox still needs an HDD to play Xbox1 games.

Needless to say I have put 6hrs on it in 3 months.
I wish I took it back right away.