Game Gun


Registered User
Aug 5, 2009
A retail version that will be ready by Christmas. The gun will also be compatible with Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and Windows and a plug-and-play device.
Whats super shitacular though is watch how often he's relying on that little screen. A reset to center button is needed so you can stay facing the monitors.

<object width=&quot;480&quot; height=&quot;385&quot;><param name=&quot;movie&quot; value=&quot;;></param><param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;></param><param name=&quot;allowscriptaccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot;></param><embed src=&quot;; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; allowscriptaccess=&quot;always&quot; allowfullscreen=&quot;true&quot; width=&quot;480&quot; height=&quot;385&quot;></embed></object>
you notice when he was saying full tracking, he spun around twice and it only moved about 180 degrees on the screen. seems like it makes it harder.
It looks like the sensitivity needs to be turned up; but that looks pretty sweet.
Guys, we are almost there. Remember when we were little, playing NES with the zapper? Wont be too much longer till we can fully interact with games. Think we're still about 10 or 15 years out to having it perfected, virtual 3D and shit, but its not far away.
Perhaps I'd rather play laser tag or paintball/airsoft... but we'll see.

The accuracy/sensitivity on this needs to be really good for it to be of any interest.
Lasertag... lol theres a toss back to the 80's!
So much fun was had with that.
you want some real VR? how about the Virtusphere.

How it works: Virtusphere consists of a 10-foot hollow sphere, which is placed on a
special platform that allows the sphere to rotate freely in any direction according to
the user’s steps. Wearing a wireless, head-mounted
display the user is able to walk and run being immersed into virtual environment.
The movement by the user is replicated within the virtual environment. The same
hardware set can be used for different applications by changing only the software

Markets and applications for Virtusphere include but are not limited to:
• Military, law enforcement , and other dangerous occupations for safely
training, practical skills of users preparing for dangerous environments
• Gaming and entertainment
• Health and fitness
• Education and museums
• Architecture and construction-site 3D model walk-through
• Virtual travel and tourism
• Events and Shows
• Home gaming

And it only costs about $100,000

Sourced from:
Damn that is awesome. Seems like you need a lot of space for it though.
I dono if like he said it will be sensitive enuf. Looks cool thou might bring in a larger community on FPS games

speaking of lazer tag.. who remembers qzar = )
I used to play that sht all the time LOL

also whats the point of this anywhoo.. maybe i wana be a lazy ass and sit in my chair and use a mouse and keyboard... yes i freely admit i am lazy

anyway cool thing