Gaming Performance / Software issue fixes that worked for you

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Assistant to the Regional Leadership Manager
Jan 13, 2013
Well I've been battling with some issues with frame rate shuttering/hanging for awhile (not to be confused with the very common micro stutters you'll see referenced on Nvidia forums). Finally managed to find something that worked! I thought I'd post some of the different things I tried and helped or could have worked but didn't. Also so great tools here that can help along the way.

Post yours here and add them to the contents if you like.

WARNING: I, and no one else who posts in this thread, are responsible for any damage, data loss, to your computer or machine. You are responsible for researching and making good choices. No one here is liable for your decisions.


1. Check your device manager for duplicate Mice/Keyboards for microstuttery or hanging
Scenario: I was having issues with hangs/stutters in BF4, Titanfall, etc. I tried uninstalling and re installing drivers and that didn't help. Did a clean install, installed latest Nvidia drivers, no issue. Started installing my typical applications, etc. Then, somewhat randomly, it started again. Well after reading the threads below I thought it would be solve my issue. I helped, but didn't fix it.
FIX: - Uninstall Razer synapse if you use it to see if it works.
- Try a different mouse/keyboard that what you are using now
- Check Device manager to see if you have multiple entries. I had a Razer mouse in the mouse section AND the keyboard section. I removed it from the keyboard section.
Reference 2:

2. Micro stutter related to Nvidia control panel.
Fix: I've modified it from the reference below.

1. Open your NVIDIA control panel.
2. Under the "3D Settings" dropdown, click "Adjust image settings with preview"
3. Choose the "use the advanced 3D image settings" option. (it's located below the spinning image)
4. Under the "3D Settings" dropdown, click "Manage 3D settings"
5. Go to the Program settings tab here. Make sure that your games are on the list. If not add the exe file.
6. Go to global tab
7. In the list of features, find the one called "Power management mode", click the dropdown to the right, and choose "Prefer maximum performance" Apply.
8. Check your programs tab, they should have the same setting defaulted to global setting.

Result: I noticed MUCH higher and consistent FPS in BF4 immediately after making this change.
I went from roughly 90-130 FPS on ULTRA settings with an overclocked GTX 970 to 120 to 160FPS (typically in the 130s).

Awesome Tools you should always know about and use:
1. Unpark your CPU Cores
Thanks to @Maliksky for mentioning this. You can read about it at the link above Note that this may increase CPU usage on your computer during high process activities and could result in higher temps than you typically see. If you have solid consistent temps now it shouldn't be an issue. Also note that the tool you can download does make registry changes - so proceed at your own risk. I have used this and seen no adverse effects. I haven't noticed a true performance increase but I wasn't having any issues with it before.

2. Ninite
My go to app for installing a bunch of software I need after doing a new build or clean install. Simply check the boxes next to the apps you want, download the installer and run it. Sit back and do other things while it is all downloaded and installed for you. No crapware installed with it, no clicking menues. Just EASY MODE.

3. CCleaner. Just google it. If you don't know about it, you should.

More to come!
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Try making a user config file . It removes all blur , and sloppy resolution.
Use these parameters in the file , they worked for Myself as well as a few people I turned onto them.
WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
Here is a video on how to do it.Cheers!
It also adds a nice fps counter in your upper right corner , for those who need to monitor that type of performance.
I was have a bunch of issues when i installed my new GTX 770 with the game crashing claiming it was video drivers that were the problem. It turned out to be the NVidia geforce experience software that comes with a full nvidia driver install.

So if you are having weird video driver crashes in bf4 un-install the geforce experience and see how things go.
What GPU were you running previous to the 770?

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I've read a lot of posts in regards to GeForce Experience. I recently upgraded from a Sapphire R9 380 DUAL X OC 2 GB to my first Nvidia card- a Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming 4 GB card and have not any too many crashes. But I'm using MSI Afterburner to over clock it to 1518 MHz GPU and around 3100 MHz memory clock so I assume the few crashes I've had are related to an unstable over clock. Perhaps it's Experience rather than the over clock itself causing the crashes but they're infrequent (like once a day), so I guess I haven't been motivated to troubleshoot the actual cause.

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If we have any AMD users using the Mantle beta drivers and getting FPS drops down into single digits, try switching back to DX11. I didn't realize the cause at the time, but in an effort to just 'try' and see if Mantle would help, it was causing me to spike down from 80-120FPS down to 5 quite regularly.
My previous card was a gtx 580 and i started having the same issues with it so i upgraded thinking it was the card when it was just the software. i have not had an issue since i un-installed that damn thing.
Doc Holliday said this:

3. CCleaner. Just google it. If you don't know about it, you should.

More to come![/QUOTE]

You SHOULD know about CCleaner. If you value privacy and/or work with ANY sensitive data on ANY machine connected to the same network you game on, CCleaner should be your best friend. Here's a nerdy article on things that can be found out about you just from your browsers/detectable history. Nerds run the world, so, you know.
Doc Holliday said this:

3. CCleaner. Just google it. If you don't know about it, you should.

More to come!

You SHOULD know about CCleaner. If you value privacy and/or work with ANY sensitive data on ANY machine connected to the same network you game on, CCleaner should be your best friend. Here's a nerdy article on things that can be found out about you just from your browsers/detectable history. Nerds run the world, so, you know.[/QUOTE]
I shouldn't have to point out that things have changed a lot in the five years since that article, and that the white paper/academic article it links to has since been removed & put where academia goes when you have to pay for it, but CCleaner has done nothing but improve their capabilities. However, anything that you get for free generally means you're the product. As an addendum to previous message, IF you have sensitive data on your network, AND if you CAN get the paid version, *DO*. If not, BE SURE YOU READ THE PRIVACY POLICY to know with whom they share your data and how.
I was have a bunch of issues when i installed my new GTX 770 with the game crashing claiming it was video drivers that were the problem. It turned out to be the NVidia geforce experience software that comes with a full nvidia driver install.

So if you are having weird video driver crashes in bf4 un-install the geforce experience and see how things go.

Soon you can't avoid experience. nV just making it a must have. Personal account will be required and sign in, of course, to download their drivers.
I've had no crashes from nv experience. Ever.

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I upgraded my mobo and cpu, ram and a pair of video cards, this fixed all my lag issues
Ok, so I was having intermittent crashes with my Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming utilizing MSI Afterburner to boost GPU clock +150, GPU memory +200, stock voltage.. Last night lowered GPU clock to +140, and INCREASED GPU memory clock to +500, stock voltage and played Bf4 for two hours and Metro 2033 Redux without issue. I should also mention according to GPU-Z my card maxed out @ 82% TDP and never went above 64 c. Will continue testing and post results as necessary.

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This guy solved some stuttering in Fallout 4, some of it might help other games.

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