Gunship and One Sided Commander

shows 5th now.....but on multiple occasions (especially on weekends) has it held #1 status. I will quit "trolling" (as you say) this thread.....I am no longer being produuctive OR constructive
shows 5th now.....but on multiple occasions (especially on weekends) has it held #1 status. I will quit "trolling" (as you say) this thread.....I am no longer being produuctive OR constructive

Mauaha, just messin man. :p

My kid brother watches this all the time, had to use it.
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Just wanted to drop in and say that I think the server is better off without commander. Thanks for making the change.
Just wanted to drop in and say that I think the server is better off without commander. Thanks for making the change.

Ey rYpta. Great to see another server regular who is for the change. BTW, I think your the most feared heli pilot in the server, so grats on that front. :P
I'm an attack chopper aficionado in the Second Assault server, I have 73 service stars in it and counting. I like the gunship whether it's a friend or foe, it makes the maps more diverse which is what I love about Battlefield. If I need to get into an LAV or on foot to cap an objective, I'm there. If the team actually works as a damn team the gunship isn't a big deal, or it can be a big deal. Teamwork for the win! with or without a gunship
I'm an attack chopper aficionado in the Second Assault server, I have 73 service stars in it and counting. I like the gunship whether it's a friend or foe, it makes the maps more diverse which is what I love about Battlefield. If I need to get into an LAV or on foot to cap an objective, I'm there. If the team actually works as a damn team the gunship isn't a big deal, or it can be a big deal. Teamwork for the win! with or without a gunship

Agreed on team work and knowing what to cap and when is essential. Though gunship and uav are fundamentally flawed game mechanics regardless of teamwork. Knowing what caps to make to obtain certain assets and properly preparing anti air defenses, etc. don't change a flawed mechanic in the end.
when my team is already owning the enemy except for the objective where the commander will call upon the gunship (as you have commented about numerous times)...

I will point the nose toward the gunship and have my gunner TV missile the gunship or if he is piloting I will send that gunship some TV missile love. it's not as big of a threat or nuisance you have made it out to be. like you have said, the CTE patch will tell what happens but it's not that big of a deal. DMRs are more annoying than a gunship
when my team is already owning the enemy except for the objective where the commander will call upon the gunship (as you have commented about numerous times)...

I will point the nose toward the gunship and have my gunner TV missile the gunship or if he is piloting I will send that gunship some TV missile love. it's not as big of a threat or nuisance you have made it out to be. like you have said, the CTE patch will tell what happens but it's not that big of a deal. DMRs are more annoying than a gunship

Ask the folks on the server, I reckon most will tell you the gunship and uav is as much of a threat and nuisance as I've made it out to be.

Mex, I'm not arguing that the gunship doesn't die easily, sure a couple TVs, and some attack boat anti air bursts will take it out... everything in this game gets destroyed easily enough with the right weapon, gadget, or vehicle; rather it's the respawn timer of the gunship, or namely, the lack of one - it's ignoring the server setting for vehicle respawn delay %, that is the sticking point. Also, I do game on CTE, and it does not correct the issue adequately. The timer on CTE is set to start when a gunship spawns in, not when it is destroyed, every other vehicle in the game has a respawn delay timer that starts the moment the vehicle is destroyed, as should be the case.

And gunship is not the main argument, UAV's scan radius was not implemented properly in terms of the diversity of the map sizes found in BF4, and with UAV radius not being dynamic based on map size; on the TBG all map conquest server this becomes an issue on maps such as metro, locker, flood, hainan, zavod, peaks, and market.

Anyhow, go ahead and talk with folks on the server, the majority will let you know they are glad to be rid of commander mode, and that the game is wholly more enjoyable as a result.

Play several rounds on the server and you'll realize how so many strategic and tactical options are available now that your not being constantly revealed by a UAV or gunship passengers, or getting bogged down on a singular objective the entire match in an effort to secure a gunship asset.

So... I think I'm beating a dead horse here, everything I have to say about commander mode has been said and then some in the previous posts. See you chaps in game.
Thanks for those willing to fight for the commander mode being disabled on at least one CQL large server.

I have said this before, TBG has the best servers out there, and if they keep at least one server alive with 64p CQL with all maps, and no commander, I will always play on it. I hope they consider this at some point!

Thanks again to the admins for their hard work. It is much appreciated.
when my team is already owning the enemy except for the objective where the commander will call upon the gunship (as you have commented about numerous times)...

I will point the nose toward the gunship and have my gunner TV missile the gunship or if he is piloting I will send that gunship some TV missile love. it's not as big of a threat or nuisance you have made it out to be. like you have said, the CTE patch will tell what happens but it's not that big of a deal. DMRs are more annoying than a gunship

I think we fundamentally disagree on this, but I want to chime on this anyway.

If you have the time, please read this post -

I spoke about it to a DICE developer, and they even considered this bad design. I believe that the AC-130 shouldn't exist in the game. It adds nothing, and removes what little skill there is in the game. Its the lowest hanging fruit of all rewards. That's just my opinion.


I am not dismissing you, but I find it REALLY laughable that you find the gunship to be less annoying than DMRs, which at their very best are weak and are outgunned by almost any other weapon in the game.
I think we fundamentally disagree on this, but I want to chime on this anyway.

If you have the time, please read this post -

I spoke about it to a DICE developer, and they even considered this bad design. I believe that the AC-130 shouldn't exist in the game. It adds nothing, and removes what little skill there is in the game. Its the lowest hanging fruit of all rewards. That's just my opinion.


I am not dismissing you, but I find it REALLY laughable that you find the gunship to be less annoying than DMRs, which at their very best are weak and are outgunned by almost any other weapon in the game.

It's really nice to know that your reddit post on this subject got up-voted so highly.

Come and game over on TBG's all map conquest large server, commander is disabled, it's an all maps rotation and has a great bunch of players that consistently populate it:
I find it REALLY laughable that you find the gunship to be less annoying than DMRs, which at their very best are weak and are outgunned by almost any other weapon in the game.

The gunship is easy to spot. DMR users aren't as easy to spot and they're as annoying as a mosquito buzzing around your ear.
Zappypants needs a Really Really Big Like Button for his avatar so I can press it.
The gunship is easy to spot. DMR users aren't as easy to spot and they're as annoying as a mosquito buzzing around your ear.
I don't even know how to respond to that.

One is an annoying, but almost useless weapon. Other is a instant respawning death machine.

So what if you can spot the gunship? What good is that going to do? If you spot, does it mean that the commander can't respawn it instantly?