Having a serious Problem..Need some help


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Hey guys Im having some serious issues with my hands, I've basically lost coordination with my left and right hand. My left hand wants to curl into a ball all the time. I can barely type, I usually can type 60-80 words per minute. Now I can barely get a sentence together, and when I do its full of errors. Its taking almost everything I have to type this out.

My left hand especially my left ring finger is killing me to the point of keeping me up at night. In my right hand my index finger is jacked too, I cant get it to work right and hurts like hell when i press the mouse or type. Both my hands feel like they are on fire when I even get near a keyboard.

I took a two week break from PC gaming and anything that had to do with a computer. I defanilty think I need to see a doctor but wanted to see if anyone here has any idea of what is going on or any advice. I'm really scared, I hope its not rheumatoid arthritis, I'm only 28. I dont see how that's possible.

Now im in more pain than ever but I needed to type this to see if I can get some help. Thanks guys
I believe there's some sort of issue that occurs if you keep your hand in single position for a very long period of time repeatedly. It can cause muscle issues, which cause pain, difficulty moving hand, etc. Like your hand on a mouse.

If this is the case, I suggest you see your doctor. Regardless, I'd see them ASAP.
Sounds more like carpel-tunnel then arthritis.
Sorry to hear this Supra. Get your butt to a doc buddy, and I hope you will get better soon.
Dude DOC stat!!! I have rheumatoid arthritis in my spine from my work accident and it come's and goes but nothing like that.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms may include:

  • Morning joint stiffness that lasts at least 60 minutes
  • Joint pain
  • Joint swelling, commonly observed in the hands
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
Supra im not a doctor but it sounds like you are developing carpel tunnel go see a doctor immeadiatly. Don't hesitate
carpel tunnel;
Cold hands with warm forearms due to constriction of blood circulation in and around the carpal tunnel. Restricted blood circulation is a contributing factor to chronic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Burning pain that radiates up the center of the forearm -as far as the shoulder and neck.
Difficulty gripping the steering wheel and overall decreasing grip strength as the hand muscles atrophy due to pain and lower levels of hand activity.
Clumsiness with hands, Routinely dropping objects or the inability to make a fist.
Loss of fine motor skills in the hand, inhibiting such tasks as writing, tying a shoe, working a mouse, picking up coins, buttoning a shirt or coat, threading a needle, doing needlepoint, etc.
Weak hands and inability to support one's self with hands on stairs, or climbing into a truck or on a ladder, or when balancing with a cane or in other precarious situations.
Inhibited hand and wrist movement due to pain, and numb tingling hands or tingling fingers.
Loss of feeling or swollen sensations in the hand or fingers
Finger Pain, finger numbness and/or finger clumsiness particularly in the thumb and/or in the index or middle fingers. (the pinky or little finger is not affected or controlled by the median Nerve nor is it generally associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).
Constant aching of the upper shoulder and neck is common as the pain follows the nerve path up to the nerve center in the brain.
Hand dysfunction can lead to lost earnings, time away from work and loss of self esteem as a contributor at work and at home, some suffers even experience depression.
Routine Sleep Interruption - CTS sufferers often complain that they wake up 2 to 10 times per night due to numb tingling hands and that pins and needles feeling. Most sufferers find it extremely annoying to be awakened constantly with tingling fingers and numb hands. In more mild cases people wake up in the morning with numb tingling hands. Without treatment mild Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms will progress to chronic sleep loss. Routine Sleep interruption has serious health implications and should be managed with a strong sense of urgency. For drivers and heavy equipment operators, the safety implications of routine sleep interruption and day time sleepiness requires immediate proactive therapy. Routine chronic sleep disorders have been linked directly to cardiopulmonary disease, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, heart arrhythmia, insulin resistance, vascular inflammation, migraines, psychological disorders, day time sleepiness, etc. Sleep loss can be one of the most serious and debilitating issues associated with the Carpal Tunnel condition. Day time groggyness inhibits clear thinking and affects everything you do from driving a vehicle to carrying out the simplest of tasks.
Shooting Hand Pain or Wrist Pain that suddenly runs up the forearm and can also shoot down to the fingers and thumb.
Numbness in hands at night, tingling hands, swollen hands,
Numb fingers, tingling fingers, finger numbness, swollen fingers,
Thumb Numbness, Tingling Thumbs or Pain in Thumbs.
SUPRA! Get your ass to a doctor now, before you lose your hand and have to play BC2 with your feet.. :P
Alright going to the doctor ASAP, thank you everyone for jumping in to help me figure it out. I defiantly have some of the CPS signs.
Shit! Glad you took their advice, cause I was coming in to say the same thing... Doctor.

Really hope this doesn't affect your Asian porn habit too much.