I am working on a flight planner. Here are some images.

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Dec 15, 2013
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Second Picture IVR or IFR? Looks good Maliksky you fly or just program or both? Also Im sure its on their but I didnt see it NOTAMS.
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Should be IFR. I can't speell. I have flown many decades ago in the AF with trainers in small aircraft, but I don't have a pilots license. NOTAM's are yet to be done. Need to calculate fuel and aircraft weight loss over flight time. Getting real-world data is not easy these days. My database has about 500,000 records.

Correction: a little over 1,000,000 records.
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Hey it's very cool to see some aviation love here! I didn't think anybody was interested in the Flight Sim forum since it was empty..until Maliksky posted. Good to see some aviation enthusiasts in here.
I've been thinking about dusting off and reinstalling FSX as soon as I get a bigger SSD. It should run MUCH better on my current rig. I am VFR/IFR and Glider rated. My medical is not current because I started deviating the dollars to smarter things when my son was born. And sadly, I sold my pride and joy: A low-time '76 C150. Once I retire I'm jumping back in. I want to build a Van's RV. 'nuf said. Maliksky...your flight planner is hard-core!! What makes an airplane fly? ...haha...you guys know the answer :)
I use to use FSX, X-Plane and Falcon 4 SP2.
Falcon 4 was my favorite. It was about 90% accurate to the actual aircraft. 318 keyboard commands. I had 186 commands programmed into my Cougar.
With FSX I could never land the FSLabs_ConcordeX successfully. lol
With addons FSX can be very real looking.
I use to use FSX, X-Plane and Falcon 4 SP2.
Falcon 4 was my favorite. It was about 90% accurate to the actual aircraft. 318 keyboard commands. I had 186 commands programmed into my Cougar.
With FSX I could never land the FSLabs_ConcordeX successfully. lol
With addons FSX can be very real looking.
Wow...I used to have Falcon 3...many years ago now. It was a great sim but I never took the time to get serious about it. And as for FSX you are right...the mods for that sim are sometimes so detailed..from different planes to scenery. When I flew out of KDVT (Phoenix) I also bought an aftermarket scenery pack for the Phoenix area. With the Phoenix area scenery installed, you could see my house on the sim. It was great. The attention to detail in the sim was awesome...even the radio frequencies were real-world accurate. You could fly approaches, everything. It is a huge shame MS decided to stop making FS. I sometimes wonder if 9/11 had anything to do with their decision to abandon the sim since some of the terrorists used it for their "training".
Should be IFR. I can't speell. I have flown many decades ago in the AF with trainers in small aircraft, but I don't have a pilots license. NOTAM's are yet to be done. Need to calculate fuel and aircraft weight loss over flight time. Getting real-world data is not easy these days. My database has about 500,000 records.

Great Job Mailiksy Im diggin your flight planner. Thats what I was going to ask you. Where do you get your databases from? You dont have to sit there and enter that shit individually do you?

There is a great program out there for FSX called Fs passengers where you run FSX as if its your own airline business with passengers on board. The guy wrote 1,000's of additional lines of code and makes it so realistic. Real emergencies. Actual manual controlling of GPS and flight instruments instead of microsofts basic controls, serve/sell food drinks, put on movies etc. You can even 0 gravity that shit while they are serving food and listen to the people scream and the cart crash. While the co-pilot yells at you "What are you doing?" Dont forget to retract your flaps, go over Vfe and you will rip the flaps right off and have to declare an emergency while scaring the passengers and getting a bad company reputation at the same ime.

Check out fltplan.com app for ipad too. It links to FSX and you can shoot approaches, see actual weather and get your FSX plane on the live maps and plates it's insane...See pic.

edit. Dont pay any attention to the airspeed in those pics. It was a issue that was reported to the devs hopefully they fixed it.


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My original data came from DAFIF. Since then from Navigraph, Approach plates, and the FAA. Data for aircraft is a big problem, seems like you have to pay for it.
I used to draw out the flight plan maps but since moving to vb.net I decided to just send the plan to Google Maps.
FS Passengers I heard of, but never purchased it. There are some awesome addons for FSX.
nice! love to fly. My boss has a few airplanes and several helicopters . I been up 5 times this year with him even got to do a barrel roll in an airplane .
I have been looking into getting my pilots license , sooo much to learn its almost overwhelming .

PS I am a huge fan of flight sims :)
Does anyone know how to program a RAZOR SABERTOOTH controller for PC ? I can,t seem to get it right, I can fly in other games with key board and mouse..but not BF4...but WE need help in BF4 in the FLYING department...I would like to be AIR SUPPORT instead of players sayin 'FUCK YOU...DOGMEAT' because if I can.t fly and well you know, if I can,t....I,ll do my best to see you DON,T EITHER!!!!
So can anyone HELP?.....thanks.

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