I believe I might need a harddrive

Stupid question, but you have both the 20pin and the 12v cpu cable connected to the motherboard and the power connected to the video card too? Have you checked your cable for your display to make sure it's securely seated too?

All of these are basic question which I'm sure you've checked, but sometimes it's the little things that trip us up.
Did that. I was on it when it went south. When I was on it a few days ago it suddenly went blank in the middle of reading my email. So I cut the power off and restarted it. It never booted to the BIOS.

Turn on your TV? ;p This makes no sence. No HD, it should still boot. New CPU,PSU and MB........GPU. For all stick of RAM to go out at once Mmmm no. Unless you did blow the PSU and the RAM took the blow. Like the sound card did for me. You need a test bed rig.

I'm starting to think operator error is in play some were here. ;p
I don't have a sound card. I haven't used one for about a year now. The GPU is 5 months old that I know. Because I got it a month before the AMD/ATI 7 series came out.
Either I'm gonna get a DDR3-2000 8GB(two 4GB sticks. Or one or two 16GB(2 8GB sticks) DDR3 1600 kit from Microcenter tomorrow. I could wait to receive it from Newegg or Tigerdirect.
Where I live at now till I sell my first house is at and where half of my stuff is at now. Out here frequents brownouts and blackouts because of the old wires.
Buy a battery back up to limit them to a minimum. I thought everyone had one? LOL J/K Seriously though a decent one is not that expensive and you'll need to change the batteries every two years or so, but they will eliminate the brown outs and fluctuations with your power for good.

Where I live at now till I sell my first house is at and where half of my stuff is at now. Out here frequents brownouts and blackouts because of the old wires.

Found one at Newegg that may be overkill?? Not sure how many watts you need.;

Yeah if you live in that situation I am with Bob. I mean id want one anyways but when its less of a priority screw it.

Make sure you get one with a pure sine wave inverter. The cheapo's mostly still use the more efficient modified sine wave inverters which are not good for Active PFC power supplies.
I put the parts in and wired most of her up. But enough about Soulzz's sister. I'll finish wiring it and start it the computer tomorrow.
I have a sneaky suspicion it's been the CPU cooler the whole time. When I unplug the the wire that come from the old cpu cooler. A piece of it was still on the wire that went towards the power source. I pull the piece off and put it back in the wire of the old cpu cooler.
Wouldnt that be some shit. You thinking short or refusal to boot because the fan isnt being detected?
When I tried to start it the 'Boot_Device LED' stays on and I still don't get any picture. BIOS or Windows still don't show. IT'S STILL FUCKING BLANK!!! FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! I didn't see if the same thing with the LED because of the big ass CPU cooler I had blocked me from seeing it.
Here's a basic one--have you tried running the board outside the chassis? Put it on a wood table. Just as before, motherboard w/ CPU, CPU cooler, RAM, and a known-good graphics card. Plug in power supply, too. I've run into issues before where a bad cable caused weird problems similar to things shorting out.
The only bad cable I could have would with one of the case fans that came with it. Because every cable in my computer is brand spank me new. The only other cable wire it would the goes to the monitor. That's why I will be test it the HDMI cord on my television.
The only bad cable I could have would with one of the case fans that came with it. Because every cable in my computer is brand spank me new. The only other cable wire it would the goes to the monitor. That's why I will be test it the HDMI cord on my television.

I've run into DOA cables before, too. I'm just saying try it outside the chassis where you can be 100% sure nothing is shorting.
I've run into DOA cables before, too. I'm just saying try it outside the chassis where you can be 100% sure nothing is shorting.

I mean I'll do it but it was doing this before I changed the cables.
Then that means the case and/or the fans that came with the case is causing it to short.