Internet Explorer does less than 50 percent of world's web surfing,


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Apr 19, 2009
Internet, Software
[h=4]Internet Explorer does less than 50 percent of world's web surfing, Chrome on the come-up[/h] By Michael Gorman posted Nov 2nd 2011 5:07PM

It's been a long and winding road for Internet Explorer, Microsoft's venerable web browser, and for over a decade it's been the browser of choice for most netizens. According to Net Marketshare's latest numbers, however, IE now enables just under half of the world's total -- meaning mobile and desktop combined -- web traffic after owning 95 percent of the browsing market seven years ago. The decline is at least partially due to a rise in mobile web browsing and an increasing Chrome user base. Of course, Microsoft's finest still has a healthy 52.63 percent desktop market share, which gives it a sizable lead over the competition from Firefox (23 percent), Chrome (18 percent), and Safari (five percent). There's plenty more graphs and charts to show you exactly how the browser war is going, so hit the links below for the full pie-chart treatment.
[TABLE="class: spanks"]
Ars Technica
Net Marketshare



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What i havent understood about this news everywhere its posted is...

How the fuck 52% is less than 50%....
LOL yeah I noticed that too. I guess since the majority hate IE so much that they can't wait for it to be true.
The 52% is of the Desktop market share only while the less than 50% number is from all web browsing including all Moble devices.
I haven't used ie in at least 6 years. It's usually the first thing I disable when I install/reinstall Windows. Firefox FTW.

Kick ass avatar Bob.
Lmao zappy that is a perfect way to sum up the uses for IE