It's Coming....

well fuck this. servers go live at midnight PACIFIC time. 3 more hours...
Haha yep, just got home with my copy. Installing now. My brother, who preordered on digital download, was so pissed. He thought hed be up 10 levels on me by now.
lol yea. i got the digital download earlier today and had it all preloaded and shit.
Gonna try to snag some good character names when it goes live
im at work but ill be taking break right at release. Add me Frit0z#1525
I got to level 13 in about 1 hr in beta ..its probably a bit slower on actual release...can u confirm this bot? faster level ups (due to a lot more quests and dungeons?) or slower level ups?
What class are you playing? I'm really thinking about getting this to put some space between me and EA.
im playing a barbarian. 9 hours play time now and i am level 26 i think, just beat act 2 on normal