Letterman Rips Obama


May 5, 2008
Even Letterman, at one time a big Obama supporter, has turned on the master of puppets. Enjoy!

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Exactly. "Not worse than Bush". What rock do you live under?

Exactly. "Not worse than Bush". What rock do you live under?

Meaning show me one thing, one thing that Bush did to benefit this country besides no longer residing as the commander in chief? i don't blame him really, No matter what president we put in office they are going to tank, let's just throw it out there. The president no longer controls what happens in our country. I'm I sure there somethings that he can do. But lets face the truth here.
At least Bush wasn't a Muslim

No, but he is retarded. My shits have a higher IQ than that idiot. I'm only surprised they let him out in public long enough to run for office. The sad thing is, his dad was not only a well qualified president, but a decent one too.
No, but he is retarded. My shits have a higher IQ than that idiot. I'm only surprised they let him out in public long enough to run for office. The sad thing is, his dad was not only a well qualified president, but a decent one too.

I have always been amused by this argument. If he was such an idiot, how did he manage to beat Gore and Kerry (Bush's grades were better than JF Kerry's btw). So, was it bad enough for hardcore Dems to claim Bush was a moron, yet he beat them not just once, but twice? How does that make them look.

The same is now happening with Obama. People bought into the hype and fell for his bullshit. His grades and writings from college? Nobody knows, because he won't allow them to be released (can anyone say transparency?). Now, lots of folks think they have been had because he is not what they thought. He is exactly what I thought, so I wasn't fooled into voting for him. However, I wasn't thrilled with McCain either (love the war record, hate the buying into liberal ideas).

Bush had reason for the economy tanking at the beginning (9/11) but the media created much of the upheaval at the end of his 2nd term. His unemployment rate was generally 5.5%, which is considered full employment by economists, yet he was lambasted for it. I think most of us would be happy with a rate like that now. Then again, remember that the new standard is "lives touched" by the stimulus, not real jobs.

Let me also say that, as a teacher, I am in the union, but don't necessarily side with the NEA on most causes (and neither do many of the people I teach with). I think both parties get it wrong in thinking all teachers are democrats and that we always support the union.

End of political rant
i have to post this, as americans seem to have been brainwashed by cnn and fox that the democrats are liberal

lib·er·al (lbr-l, lbrl)
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.
3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.
a. Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman.
b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious.
1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions.
2. Liberal A member of a Liberal political party.
My worry is not that democrats are liberals, more that they are progressives in the American use of the word.
Just a few things

Meaning show me one thing, one thing that Bush did to benefit this country besides no longer residing as the commander in chief? i don't blame him really, No matter what president we put in office they are going to tank, let's just throw it out there. The president no longer controls what happens in our country. I'm I sure there somethings that he can do. But lets face the truth here.

1. Signed two income tax cuts, one of which was the largest dollar-value tax cut in world history. 2. Supports permanent elimination of the death tax. 3. Turned around an inherited economy that was in recession, and deeply shocked as a result of the 9/11 attacks. 4. Is seeking legislation to amend the Constitution to give the president line-item veto authority. 5. In process of permanently eliminating IRS marriage penalty. 6. Increased small business incentives to expand and to hire new people. 7. Initiated discussion on privatizing Social Security and individual investment accounts. 8. Killed Clinton's "ergonomic" rules that OSHA was about to implement; rules would have shut down every home business in America. 9. Passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals to account as a result of corporate scandals. 10. Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains. 11. Signed trade promotion authority. 12. Reduced and is working to ultimately eliminate the estate tax for family farms and ranches. 13. Fight Europe's ban on importing biotech crops from the United States. 14. Exempt food from unilateral trade sanctions and embargoes. 15. Provided $20 million to states to help people with disabilities work from home. 16. Created a fund to encourage technologies that help the disabled. 17. Increased the annual contribution limit on Education IRA's from $500 to $2,000 per child. 18. Make permanent the $5,000 adoption tax credit and provide $1 billion over five years to increase the credit to $10,000. 19. Grant a complete tax exemption for prepaid or college tuition savings plans. 20. Reduced H1B visas from a high of 195,000 per year to 66,000 per year.
don't get me wrong, i thing both our countries have been screwed out of good choices for the better part of a decade.
When you're own party supporters begin to shift their support and loyalty from your administration to your opponents or another candidate its sends a message, especially if you won the presidency which is the essential wet dream of every big fish politician.

In simple words, Obama has lost considerable support from his largest contingent: the Electorate, they are the people who decides if he wins his incumbent election or not. And.... if He continues to pursue the path of extreme left wing agenda, he will not be around for long.

He had a clean slate to be the most historical president we have had since Lincoln, Truman, and JFK, but he wasted it, its a shame. Just look at his decision making: a BAN on offshore drilling in the gulf in a recession, A multi-trillion dollar pork filled "Health Care" bill which we the citizen have to pay for, A Decrease in defense spending in a time or WAR. I mean common now, it doesn't take much if any common sense to see that he has idiotic contrarious judgement.

Who Knew the first black president would be a total waste, I say it again he had a chance to be the most historic president in a decade, We In 2008 America elected our 1st Black President who had the ability to really set the example for American Politics. BUT....... instead he chose to be a complete socialist, and Remove America's Brain, teeth and spine by endorsing a "state-ist" mentality and making his personal political beliefs transparent to the American people that his Administration is trying to parallel that of a socialism mixed with some supermarket democracy.

I have no doubt that if a strong Rep Candidate comes to the surface he will destroy the president in a one sided election. I was hoping Patreus would run but he is going to wait until the timing is perfect
I have always been amused by this argument. If he was such an idiot, how did he manage to beat Gore and Kerry (Bush's grades were better than JF Kerry's btw). So, was it bad enough for hardcore Dems to claim Bush was a moron, yet he beat them not just once, but twice? How does that make them look.

Easy answer-the vast majority of voters are uneducated idiots about the election. I don't mean uneducated in academics, just that they never do any research on the candidates or think over matters intellectually as opposed to emotionally. Besides, Gore would have been just as bad if not worse than Bush. It always seems to be the lesser of two evils :)

Ah, and don't forget the conspiracy theories like when the computer voting machines in Fl were hacked to change Gore votes to Bush ones. lol
Ah, and don't forget the conspiracy theories like when the computer voting machines in Fl were hacked to change Gore votes to Bush ones. lol

Any angle the ACLU and other liberal lobby groups can use to gain leverage in the election will be exploited, regardless of the seedy and shady nature of the claims.

And don't forget ACORN!

  • Was the largest radical group in America, with more than 400,000 dues-paying member families and more than 1,200 chapters in 110 U.S. cities*
    [*]Was implicated in numerous reports of fraudulent voter registration, vote-rigging, voter intimidation, and vote-for-pay scams during recent election cycles*
    [*]Pressured banks to lend money to under-qualified minority borrowers*
    [*]Maintains close ties to organized labor*
    [*]Opposes capitalism*
    [*]Calls for more government control over citizens and the economy*
    [*]Favors a government monopoly in health care*
    [*]Advocates an open-door immigration policy*
    [*]Announced in March 2010 that it would officially disband as a national entity on April 1 of that year (mainly due to fraud cases and other less than legal practices - Boon), but it continued thereafter to pursue its agendas under various names at the state level.*
* Taken from http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6968 *

Want an example of the corruption that had been within Obama's largest support group?

ACORN teaches undercover journalist to evade taxes and start an underage prostitution ring:

Part 1<object width="480" height="385">

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Part 2

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