Looking for 5.1 headset that uses 3.5mm cheap but not complete shit.

Why would a 5.1 headset be a solution to recording the game without TS? Just use PlayClaw-$30.00 and you can turn off the TS sound for recording-problem solved.

Instructions would be awesome. Looking at a post by playclaw's staff that this isnt possible in windows. Unless its a recent update that allows it?


A 4 driver plus headset allows me to take one left and one right driver and plug it into an audio device the game isnt outputting sound on. An audio device that isnt being recorded. Software repeating isnt exactly glamorous either.

We have found some headsets already, im just loving the additions of headsets that don't come close to fitting the description.


I dont see anything on that from their site ill have to reinstall it. But id literally need a don't record teamspeak button. I want to hear teamspeak through the same headset as the game while recording the audio device the game is played out on. With 2 sound devices and a 4 plus driver headset this is easily possible.
Ive yet to find an option in playclaw to descriminate programs sound running on the same sound card.

So I figured I would visualize the plan for those who might not get it.

Bobsama made a good suggestion on using center instead of rear for the teamspeak audio. Problem is the center channel is on the sub plug. Even if i crafted a splitter for it the sound card would probably still report back as having a center channel and possibly mix the sound 5.1 instead of 4.1 and might not be right.

EDIT - Talking to sixer the trial of playclaw might be severely limited in its options. We shall see.