Looking to upgrade my gpu and need some input...

@PapiDrag0n - I purchased the stock version because as much as I hate to admit it, I do like the design of the reference cooler. I had the option of using the modded BIOS from the SC ACX version, but for now I am playing it safe with the modded stock BIOS. Plus until I can do more testing, I don't want to risk overheating the voltage regulators on the card itself. Seen some folks use flash their reference card to the Hydro Cooper version and add a third party water block for a bit less than purchasing one from eVGA, but I'm not that crazy. Still, with some careful tweaking of the voltage, I've seen some results along the lines of 1.15GHz to 1.2GHz on the gpu. But as always, you're mileage may very.

Im glad that it turned out great. Nice benchmark results. I too must admit that the stock cooler/reference design, looks great as well. Unlike many non reference 780ti's, It also has the benefit of using Hynix/Samsung memory, so you can squeeze some extra performance when overclocking the memory.

I see you left it untouched. Here's what the reviewer from Techpowerup managed. 1120 MHz GPU (base) clock (28% overclocking) and 1975 MHz memory (13% overclock) http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_780_Ti/30.html


Edit: Hey..I just noticed the Boost Clocks..1173Mhz from Techpoweup. I noticed that in your validation shot , its stays at 1046Mhz. Theres definitely more potential in your card. Off course as you say, mileage may vary.
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Yeah, I tend to usually tweak the gpu and memory separately, then attempt to balance them out in order to get a well rounded overclock. I've bumped up my clock speeds a bit more and when I have some time tomorrow, I'll be playing a few rounds of BF4 and Metro2033 for stress testing. Overclocking has come a long way since unlocking all 16 pipelines on an budget ATi X800 GTO2, and man those seem like the glory days.

I'll post the link I've been going to for my reference guides and testing:


And BIOS ROMs for different versions of the eVGA 780 Ti cards:


There's over 600 pages in the Overclock.net thread of folks who have bought any and all variants of the 780 Ti along with pretty much a master page of the BIOS tweaks, utilities and guides over volt modding (for those crazy enough to tamper with a 700 dollar card.) I want to past on the info in case any current or potential 780 Ti owners want to take a look.

I hope to post some final results in the next 2 days for maxed clocks on the card.