National bullshit!


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Okay, so I have to vent about this. I got a notice from the driver license bureau on the 9th saying my license is being revoked as of the 20th of this month because my license was "flagged" in the national registry in the state of Oklahoma. Really? I live in Georgia, have lived in RI, FL, CO, and haven't been in OK since I finished high school. WTF?

The license bureau in GA couldn't tell me anything more than my record was flagged-wonderfully efficient and helpful, that. So I called OK driver dept. and it turns out in 1987, about 6 months after high school, that I got a ticket in Florida, paid the ticket, but it was late by 7 days. I switched over to a FL license and have had one in RI, CO, Fl again and now GA.

Long story short, I had to pay a late fee of $50.00 to get this shit cleared. The worst part is the state I live in can't even tell me why they're revoking my license and that's fucked up. Anyway, all taken care of now but frustrating as shit.
It's one of those I want to talk to your supervisor calls; motherfucking leaches
23 years later this is suddenly a problem? That's what bites my ass.
Yeah, well it would have been nice had they let me know about this before, it's 23 years old but pay this fine that's not even in the database for our DL division or court records or we'll yank your license from another state in 5 business days. Gee, thanks.
Who knew sixer would be the great unsolved traffic case a quarter of a century ago. You been on the run for a ling time sixer, while it was good run. It's over.
Lulz. Yeah, I guess it couldn't last forever. Beat that you motherfuckers!
Isn't there a statute of limitations? Lawyer up and sue their asses!
Pretty amazing. I didn't know OKians even knew how to use a computer.
There is no statute of limitations on fines, only on charges in litigation and contract obligations.