Need some tech help


Registered User
Jul 26, 2008
so i have everything installed in my new box and for some reason when i hit the power button the fans turn a little and stop. i have enough power 850w power supply, not sure if i hooked something up wrong, and i cannot find wiring schematics to double check, any help would be appreiciated....
figured it out, got it started, now just working on getting my disc drives, rear usb ports, and the sound to I def need to be more of a nerd
First computer I built I forgot to check the jumper to reset the bios. I was scratching my head trying to figure out why it wouldnt turn on. Finally I realized I should check that and wham it worked.
Somethings not powering up, hmm Are you missing a power connecter to the board? If no, check to make sure there isn't a stand off behind board that isn't supposed to be there. This will cause the board to have a short.

And 850W power supply is pretty low compared to today's needs. Remember just cause it says 850 doesn't mean your getting 850. It's more like 780-800watts.
Somethings not powering up, hmm Are you missing a power connecter to the board? If no, check to make sure there isn't a stand off behind board that isn't supposed to be there. This will cause the board to have a short.

And 850W power supply is pretty low compared to today's needs. Remember just cause it says 850 doesn't mean your getting 850. It's more like 780-800watts.

He already has it working from his last post?

On the 12v rail yes that is true your a bit under the total capacity which is all 3 rails combined. My PSU even does its 5v and 3.3v off the 12V instead off doing AC to DC conversions for all 3 rails. So my available power depends on the consumption there as well.

But Uh depends on what you define as todays needs. Single 580 overclocked on an i7-2600K overclocked wouldnt even tap out a 750 watt psu. My single 570 and i5-2500K are pulling 370 at the most from the wall so even less on the DC side of the PSU. I bought the 570 because I was originally going dual 560 Ti's. I still have enough power left over for another 570 and some drives. I wish this killawatt was backlit though tired of shining a flashlight to see the wattage.
Yes, I didn't see the second post lol

But +/- watts vary on the Company design, not ruling out that PSU could have an issue too.
Sounds exactly like faulty ram. Also make sure your heatsink on your cpu is locked down correctly that would do it too.
Sounds exactly like faulty ram. Also make sure your heatsink on your cpu is locked down correctly that would do it too.

He has it working.

@G Yeah I mean im not even counting the worst of the worst but in good company you shouldnt be trying to bump up against the limit.

Looking at myne it seems like being overkill isnt hurting me either. 20 to 50% is the efficiency sweet spot according to andantech's testing which is the first time ive seen their particular test:
Yeah its all working now, i had the fans powering off two sources which was the reason for not powering up, and the drives i think was just a loose connections, and the sound is fixed, the card wasnt seated properly. But thanks for all the help everyone. installing the game now. my new graphics card is the shit.