Nevada Proposes Pay-to-Speed law


Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Source: Nevada candidate touts speedy fix to budget crisis

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - One Nevada gubernatorial hopeful sees a speedy fix to Nevada's budget crisis. Nonpartisan candidate Eugene "Gino" DiSimone believes people would pay for the privilege to drive up to 90 mph on designated highways—and fill the state's depleted coffers.
DiSimone calls his idea the "free limit plan." He estimates the plan would bring in $1 billion a year.

First, vehicles would have to pass a safety inspection. Then vehicle information would be loaded into a database, and motorists would purchase a transponder.

After setting up an account, anyone in a hurry could dial in, and for $25 charged to a credit card, be free to speed for 24 hours.

The Nevada Highway Patrol isn't keen on the idea, saying it would lead to increased injuries and traffic deaths.
Pretty interesting. Hard to believe with Vegas that NV's coffers would be low. One other thing, wasn't a study done about the autobahn being one of the most safe places to drive? Been awhile since I've researched it, but it was along the lines of the faster you drive, the more aware you were. Doesn't account for the other retards though :(

Edit: found one of the articles
i think its an interesting idea. but can i pay $50 to go as fast as i want?
This is the greatest idea ever. I'd half way think about moving to Nevada to take advantage of this. Driving fast is probably my favorite thing to do, so this is fucking awesome.