New Call of Duty Will Beat Out Battlefield By 15 Million, Says Analyst


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
New research by Cowen and Company analyst Doug Creutz predicts that Activision's new Call of Duty will sell 25 million copies within its first year, more than double the 10 million predicted for EA's Battlefield 3. The prediction assumes that Battlefield 3 will sell more than its predecessor, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which has sold around 7 million units worldwide. Call of Duty: Black Ops has already sold more than 13.7 million copies in the U.S. alone, while only 3 million of Bad Company 2's copies were sold in the region.

Call of Duty Will Beat Out Battlefield By 15 Million, Says Analyst - IndustryGamers
I haven't seen any gameplay of this Fabled COD.

Meh neither is the company development worried about that. It will sell name alone. Hell they could pull a gran turismo and sell a One Level Demo with 3 guns for 50 bucks while you wait a decade for the actual release.
I don't doubt that projection at all. More mouth breathers play COD because it makes them feel special to run-n-gun. Tactics? They can't even spell that much less understand the meaning of the word. Knuckle draggers unite!
This will not happen.

I'll believe it when I see it. Most likely this analyst got paid to say that, because as you all know it only takes words to make the value of a company go up unfortunately. I've talked to quite a few cod fans at school and they seem like they are getting tired of the same old same old re skinning of cod.
analyst my ass. the pay a company to spout these nonsense posts.
Michael 'Master of Bullshit' Pachter anyone?
Lol 15 million copies!? looks like they are counting chickens before they hatch.
Yeah. This analysis is going by past sales and assuming that COD will outsell. I think there shouldn't be any bets until Activision / IW releases some gameplay.
Smart money doesn't listen to sell-side street analysts anyway.

Long-term money doesn't listen to mass-market analysts. You can make money trading based on rumors but the risks can be enormous and the rewards is a bit minimal.
That is probably true. I agree with you sixer. Its not because its a better game. but its for this simple fact right here. Mouth breathing fucktards! Just replace iphone with COD and Battlefield with EVO
YouTube - iPhone4 vs HTC Evo