New Here

|TG-Irr| dillweed1212

Registered User
Sep 7, 2010
Hey everybody, how's it going? i'm new here and just wanted to say hi! I'm from the bf2142 clan Tactical Gamer (TG) and jsut wanted to check out your forums and stuff. From in game you seem like a great bunch of guys, hope to see you in-game sometime!
welcome:) You should hear us in vent. PM the founders for vent info. See ya on the field.
Im doing well :) I just sent a PM to one of the founders for vent info. I'll probably be on vent tomorrow.
Hey whats happening Dillweed. Good to see you on the website. Jump on vent tomorrow.
I've had many encounters with awesome TG members from the "donating" squads - such as TG-3rd, etc...

TG = respect from me (the core members anyway).

Welcome to the site.
Hey Dill, good to see ya, send some of your compatriots our way, and lets roll some squads dude
I've had many encounters with awesome TG members from the "donating" squads - such as TG-3rd, etc...

TG = respect from me (the core members anyway).

Welcome to the site.
Thanks :) i've been with TG for over a year now. TG-3rd was one of our best IHS's (in-house squads)
Hope to see you all on the battlefield tonight! i'm ready for squad pwnage :p
Hey man, Nice seeing you around, I'm rarely on forums cause I'm around doing stuff like crazy. Yeah I miss the 3rd, To bad we died out pretty much =(
Yeah, it was always , wlel before you came, the 7th, not many people talk about them though. Then 3rd.. But after Crux left and bc2 came out. It really threw stuff out of the loop. Now I wanna say the 70th and MTH are thebest