New Minecraft Server next week


Registered User
Aug 1, 2009
For all you minecrafters out there i am launching a new server next week. backing up the old world and putting it on the new one along with other worlds too.

The reason for the switch pretty much comes down to what i get. Pretty much i have 3x more ram alot more access to edit the server, 4x more slots for twice the cost.

The new server is going to have multiple worlds. The current world, a new random world, a planetoids world, and possibly 1 more. depends on how server resources go.

There will be ranks for the players and the server will be public.
The ranks will go as follows.

Rank: Everyone
Perks: Gets basic commands, Access to the current world.
Requirements: None

Rank: Regulars
Perks: Gets all the basic commands plus gets access to buy and sell their items and gets access to the current world plus the new random world.
Requirements:Build something that a VIP or Administrator deems worthy of being promoted. Or Plays on the server on a regular basis(still working out the time requirement)

Rank: VIP
Perks: Basically the police of the server. they get all the perks from the previous ranks but also get access to the kick commands, can put people in jail, access to the /give command with certain rules to abide by, Gets access to the planetoids world
Requirement: This rank can only be obtained through donations. Minimum $5 donation to TBGclan to receive this rank per month.

Rank: Administrator
Perks: Access to every command and world.
Requirements: Become a TBG member.

All of the above info is subject to change at anytime. If you have any tips or requests please let me know and i will do my best to take care of it.
hehe the people at school are starting to go mad because they can't play their minecraft :D
lol yea i was holding off on updating the server to 1.5 because of issues with plugins. no warp and stuff.
lol yea i was holding off on updating the server to 1.5 because of issues with plugins. no warp and stuff.

I just convinced Frit0z to update the old server to 1.5, the new server will reamin at version 1.4 untill 1.5 version of bukkit is released

Also a few things, the new rails are still bugged and will crash the server. Make sure your friends know.

Also pilot if you can ask if any of them if they have been building near another base that has a rail stretching over water.. if so they are encroching on my supply base and should not proceede any further north.
i will let them know monday when i am back at school

rgr btw, their was a server update that seemed to fix the new tracks from crashing the server.

Oh and once again remember to ask them if they are building close to another base...some one is encroching and if he goes any further north i may need to do something
OMG Minecraft? LOL I have it, and my brother does too. I got hooked on it for a month or so, but haven't been playing much lately.

What's the info (PM me?) so I can check it out?

Can me and my brother play? What are the settings - is it survival? PvP on? Mobs on? Creeper damage?
its not live yet... well it is but it isnt. i have to backup the world from the old server and upload that and the planetoids map. probably tuesday it will go live.
ill update this will all the information about it then. i can tell you its going to be multiple worlds, pvp off, survival, mobs and creeper damage on. i love creepers :D. there will be a store in which you can buy from the server and set your own trade signs. you will be able to sell certain items back to the server for in game cash.
Yeah, it's a pretty nerdy game, but hey - 2 million sales total and 1 of those in the last 4 months while the game is still in beta (and was in alpha 6 months ago) can't be wrong right? :-D
I picked up minecraft yesterday :D starting to get a hang of it. may have been bad time to get it tho, especially with finals coming up. Its dangerously addicting
LKJASDHHASDHLBJASFDJKASFD: thats about sums it up. Minecraft server is postponed for now. its been a royal pain in the ass getting this configured exactly how we want it because for certain things we have to submit a ticket instructing the support staff what to do because we dont have access to edit filenames/ create folders. this is all going to be changing soon as they are implementing a new control panel later this month. once we have that we should be able to configure everything with ease. i can setup a server in a day or so on my computer because i have access to everything. but its been taking weeks with them and frankly im fed up. i almost scrapped the idea today until i saw that they are updating the CP
nope its not up and running. getting my funds situated first, then starting it back up probably closer to official release. 11/11/11 until then im going to be working on a scale replica of the Imperial City from Oblivion :D