New mode Titan like......


Registered User
Feb 20, 2011
In: BF4 news....
A First Glimpse of Battlefield 4 Naval Strike
Classic Game Mode Re-Imagined

Battlefield 4 Naval Strike lets you re-live the classic Titan Mode of Battlefield 2142, with the introduction of the Carrier Assault game mode. Stay tuned to the Battlefield Blog for more details on this re-imagining of a classic.
Titan mode is what brought a lot of people to BF; too bad they sucked us all in with these other BF titles; 2142 was state of the art "army" game. All of the BF titles up to that time took in realism; I can still remember first time playing BF1942 and saying wow! BFBC2, BF3, & BF4 I cannot say that. It's hard to say but BC2 was more enjoyable than BF3 & BF4.
I'll second that balls. 2142 was still my favorite though. To be honest the modern warfare theme has been over done.
bf2 was the best imo.. havent played much of bf4 that game kinda blows.. well all new games kinda suck now.
2142 was one of the best games that ever came out of the BF series. it was purely innovative and in my opinion, a pretty awesome balance between the modern combat shooter and the innovative complexity of a sci-fi shooter.

Titan mode was awesome, by far one of the coolest concepts I have seen in any game.. too bad they killed it with the 1.5 patch.

anyways.. I am curious to see how carrier assault will pan out.. All I can imagine is that it will be like something equivalent to the map IRON GATOR on BF2 or Wake Island in 2142 where all you did was capture the aircraft carrier with the flags inside of it. if it turns out to be capturing missile silos or actually destroying the enemy's carrier to where it sinks, that would be pretty dope, but time will tell.

I am predicting the Iron Gator revival from BF2.. but I hope I am very very wrong.
My main complaints about the BF series since 2142 is that the hit detection is terrible and the vehicle physics suck. None of the vehicles feel as though they have any weight to them and you can tell they've been dumbed down to satisfy the console crowd. Go back and fly the 2142 GS, air transport, or even a tank and tell me they feel the same.
i sucked in those hover tanks....and f1 seat of hte walkers, so i stayed out of them unless the enemy had a chance of taking our asset. I must say I have never flown a gunship 2142, I was a ground pounder
I miss walkers so badly q_q ... tanks were fun but walkers were winrar, teh. I pwned on Bridge Of Remagen in the Russian (PAC) walker...
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Played 2142 with GrimReaper last night (33&1) and just saw Eddie a minute ago. The GS is its own feel and can't be compared. Other then that the game feels clunky and the hit box is all over the place. The game is still fun for being old and were it lacks. It make up for in game play.

I hope BF4 is a test bed for the new 2143!!! Someone post video of it when it comes out :)

On a side note. Is Eddie still in TBG? He still wears the tags but I don't see him on the roster.
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the GS is a helicopter on steriods.. and I miss every minute of it..

dude that game was so awesome that it inspired me to write a book about it. speaking of which it's almost done ;D