No BF3 in 2010?


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Criterion Games working on a Need For Speed game wasn't the only surprising bit of news that Electronic Arts chief operating office John Pleasants tucked into his presentation at the William Blair Growth Stock Conference I listened to today. Pleasants confirmed he's seen DICE's work on Battlefield 3.
"I've had the luxury of looking at Battlefield 3 over at DICE in Sweden and was highly impressed by the way the team is working on that product," he said. "Of course, that's not [coming out] in the fiscal year, but that is a product that is looking very good."

Ah, good to know. I wasn't sure if that applied to this year or next. So, at least there is some small hope it will be released later this year.
It takes Dice SO LONG to actually code something that I doubt it will be out anytime before the end of 2010 (non-fiscal), even in beta stage. IMO, the earliest we can hope for is mid-2011.
It takes Dice SO LONG to actually code something that I doubt it will be out anytime before the end of 2010 (non-fiscal), even in beta stage. IMO, the earliest we can hope for is mid-2011.
We'll see.
EA in reality needs to have BF3 (along with a bunch of other shit) out by Christmas of this year.
This year has been nothing more than financial shit-show for EA. Investment community is now beating the drum hard and fast.
Company is in real trouble on a valuation basis. Cost cutting has worked, but now they need to deliver the pipeline - ideally 2 qtrs of solid revenue turnaround

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo Shatters 3.5M Mark

EA Announces 'Battlefield Bracket Challenge Presented by GameStop'
Def. 31st end of 1st qtr. - Ea ( C corp) chose fiscal reporting yr. due to cyclical nature.
funny that DICE is located in Sweden, the EU takes forever to get ANYTHING done, so lets hope sven and his buddies can take some time and make the best BF game ever.

My question is, where the hell is Niklas? Isn't he supposed to be coding the 2142 patch (lulz). I hope he doesn't get fired or something lmfao.
No, BC2 is BC2. BF3 is BF3. Completely different games...