Obama May Back Down From CISPA Veto

i hope he veto's it, on the other hand ive sent my representative a few emails about it.
I think something is clearly needed, however in its current form it is way to broad and gives them way too much unrestrained authority.
Obama wants the executive branch to lead oversight. Hell no. I've already sent mail to my congressman and both senators. I've called their offices too--telling all 3 Democrats that they're damn weak on civil liberties.
I think something is clearly needed, however in its current form it is way to broad and gives them way too much unrestrained authority.

exactly. SOPA, PIPA left to many questions in how it would be used. They finally throw those out then comes ACTA. Same problem different story. Now we are onto CISPA. Cant they just rework one of them rather than making a new acronym for the same bill?
No governments should be allowed to regulate the internet, all governments should have a security presence on the internet though for interdiction and law enforcement purposes. No reason the government shouldn't be allowed to launch cyber attacks and counterattacks, but they should not be allowed to regulate, they are simply fundamentally morally and ethically incompetent for such a task.