OCZ Vertex $70 shipped (AR) - better be QUICK though

Ya I got a Quad core back in the days.... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115017

Knowing Full well that in a year or less this core will be outdated.... however it works very good... and still is fast by the standards of today... at least its faster than a duel core ;) I have it OC'd to 3.04 GHZ

The only thing I really need to update is my 8800GT.... which my 275GTX Phys X card will be here wednesday.... other than that all I'd have to do is update the CPU, MBO, and Ram :/
Technology is an expensive hobby. That GTX 275 is a good upgrade from a 8800.
Your right they will get cheaper; but, by that time something twice as fast will come out.
SSD gives so much guys...
And like balls sad, I will get the new technology which is coming soon. "SSD sata 6"