Official Duke Nukem Forever <3 Thread!


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008
Always bet on Duke!

It's Official: Duke Nukem Forever Coming From Gearbox Software

It's kind of unbelievable that this is FINALLY coming out. 2K/Gearbox did a fairly good job on Borderlands, hopefully they'll give the Duke franchise the attention it deserves.

Edit: Sad, like most other games nowadays the demos are on xshitin360deg. Oh well, I can only hope for a good port I guess.

Your First Look at Duke Nukem Forever in Action

And btw Soulzz you should go take a pic in one of these displays (lulz!):

Duke Nukem Forever Spotted At PAX 2010
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Once again, one of the 3 greatest lies: It's 100% Win7 compatible, Duke Nukem is coming out this year, and I promise I won't come in your mouth.
I don't think it's coming this year; I think they're shooting for 2011.
OFG i cant believe that woman let it go on that long. she was just making it worse. Next thing you know they will be pushing this game release date back again.
Dude the ventrilo harassment is way old - like 5 years or so.
Omg, I was told the game got canceled when 3d realms closed down. I have waited so long for this, I just hope it wont be disappointing like sc2. :(
Omg, I was told the game got canceled when 3d realms closed down. I have waited so long for this, I just hope it wont be disappointing like sc2. :(

I never purchased SC2 for that reason :).

we going to have a multiplayer server if this game and thats a BIG if doesn't suck on the PC

OMFG I'm gonna love this.

- What about the game Duke; was it any good?
- Yeah, but after 12 fucking years it should be.<object width="1280" height="745">

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