From reddit:
I have been told this by an inside source for quite some time and finally decided to make a video about it months ago. I just want to outlay a few things that were included in my video:
Game setting - WW1 Game will not be following authentic WW1 history (in terms of weapons) Game will either be called Battlefield 1 or battlefield (year)
Maps: Armiens - ( City within france, most comparable to Siene crossing if you played BF3).
Italian Coast.
note MASSIVE church in the center of the map.
Mountain Fort (most comparable to Dem. peak from BF3)
as of last contact with source: he does not know of the rest of the maps in development but he/she has not yet seen an infantry only map
Game Modes within the game itself: (also like to note that this will be one of the largest BF games map wise)
Conquest - Game is leaning very towards CQ large
Rush - Massive improvement over BF4’s Rush gamemode/map layout
TDM - TDM will be in the game
Domination - will be in the game
(potential game mode) - Last Squad Standing - operates much like Squad Deathmatch and elimination mixed together ( teams will be able to spawn on any team mate throughout the match until they are squad wiped. eliminating them from contention) this game mode has a good chance of being competitive.
Pigeon Game mode - Game mode that operates like what we saw on BF:HL where you must hold/carry around the objective to capture it which when captured gives a point to your team, then resets.
CQ and Rush mix that’s played on the maps Scar and Amiens. Where one team must capture flags to move up onto the map much like Rush works.
Vehicles/Transportation Horses (war horses) Light tanks - one seaters (will have a self repair function) Heavy tanks - Three seaters. Scout Plane - 1 seater functions as a jet without Pods or heat seekers Bomber Plane - self explanatory. Two seater plane - Gunner sits on the tail of the plane with a mounted gun. Rhib-like boats to reach shores Weapons Heavy prototype weapons Fully automatic weapons much like assault rifles DMRs snipers LMGs Grenades variations are as follow: Impact grenade Incindiary Gas Grenades Hero Gadget (Flame Thrower and Gun Combo)
Classes: Medic Support Assault Recon
Overall game enhancements
Dynamic weather on every map which includes:
Fog Rain Snow along with others
various of these will rotate on each map making every time you play it different than the last.
People that have been invited by EA to alpha test/give feedback
JackFrags has been invited and knows of the game’s state LevelCap Knows of the game’s state PonyLion Knows of the game’s state Westie Knows of the game’s state
^ I think it's a bit wrong to be posting constant speculation videos when you've known for quite some time what the game will be. Just hungry for views. That's my own opinion, if you know you shouldnt pretend to your community that you don't know by posting constant speculation videos and hinting at other games like a futuristic or modern game.