Hmmm, weird indeed. I'll try to help with the knowledge of my old desktop repair days. I can tell you though that the Kernel-Power Event 41 is "usually" related to some sort of hardware failure.
First, can you double-click the Critical event in your Event Viewer and show the content or use the Copy button and paste it at Give me the pastebin link, pretty please.
Also in the Event Viewer, on the left go to the System Events under Windows Logs and look for errors and/or Critical Events. Pastebin those as well.
Other things:
1. Open the case and look for bulged or popped (oozing) capacitors on the motherboard, especially around the CPU. (This almost always causes the issue you explain)
2. Apparently this is a know issue with Windows 7 64-bit and the Radeon Catalyst software. If this applies to you, update your Radeon drivers. Maybe even try the Beta drivers if needed
3. Your PC tech could be correct about the PSU. Most modern PSU's have fluctuating power however the more hard drives, DVD drives, etc you have, the more power you draw. It may not be the voltage causing the issue, it could be a wattage drop as well.
4. Have you installed any Windows Updates lately? Are they set to automatically install? If so, you can dig into those as well. This is a pain in the ass though.
5. Power settings. In control panel > Power Options - set it to High Performance or Always On mode. Put the computer to sleep = Never, disable the hard drives going to sleep, etc. I still recommend turning your monitors off after a set amount of time and also using a screensaver if that's your thing. You may have to go t othe power settings advanced properties for some of these.
Feel free to ask me any more questions or bounce anything else off me.
Just in case, here are what bulged / leaking capacitors look like - for reference.....