Perfect monitor size?


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Just looking for people's opinion on what the best size is for my primary monitor for gaming. I can be as far away as I need to since I have a nice sized man cave to put it in. I have a 25" now that I like, but I just feel like something a little larger may make a huge difference. Maybe just a higher quality monitor will make a huge difference. I'm starting to spec out a new rig and I'm trying to get back in touch with what standards are for a gaming PC.

Thanks ahead of time.
I like 27", been using 24" for almost 5 years now, but I really like the 27. i mean if you want bigger, just hook up to your TV ya know?
i think it comes down to personnel preference really.. i wouldn't use any thing bigger then 24" i find my current monitor is 22" and thats big enough for me.. the bigger the screen the more to look at and the more to look at the less your eyes will be focused center. smaller the screen the less likely you are to miss something in the corners of your monitor.
27-32" is perfect for me. The extra screen real estate really helps gameplay. Your peripheral vision fills in the outsides so not moving head so much.
Well, I also distance face to monitor has a big issue with it. I like to sit like 3-5 feet away from my monitor, so 27 inch is perfect. big enough for my periph vision to focus on everything.

If you sit close, or get in the zone and inch closer and closer to the screen. 22-24 would be your size
I sit probably about 2 feet away. I think I may just try a higher end 25"-27" to start with and see how that goes. Thanks for all the input guys.
24 definitely.

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27" all the way. Size matters. The ones who are saying 24" or smaller haven't played on anything larger otherwise they'd never use a smaller monitor.
I'm happy to hear so many saying 27" It's kind of what I was biased towards to begin with.
Love my new 27in. makes a difference from my 24in.

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I have 3 24" monitors and I love playing BF4 with them. The setup is good when everything works well and annoying as F when there are hiccups. I was thinking of getting a good 27" monitor 2560x1440. Or even a 4k at the tail end of this year. You get tired of jumping through eyefinity hoops after a while.