Planetside 2 the new 2142?


Registered User
Apr 26, 2010
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Been watching this game for a while, looks like its going to be awesome (can't wait for the beta!!). ^^
I can see the similarities, but it looks more like a MMO in a way. Also, vehicles don't seem to have "weight/inertia." I would've appreciated a little more "realism" maybe.
I have been excited for a game like this for a while. FPS plus a persistent world with capture points, potential GGOAT here
I can see the similarities, but it looks more like a MMO in a way. Also, vehicles don't seem to have "weight/inertia." I would've appreciated a little more "realism" maybe.

Yeah I thought the same thing myself but the game is still in alpha after all, and you should have seen how the 2142 gunships flew in alpha. :P
...... dude... when does THAT come out!!! :D.. When I saw SOE made it I was like pffffttttttttt.... whatever..but my opinion has drastically changed. I used to play EverQuest: OA on PS2 back when it came out, and I loved every minute of that game, the support was pretty sweet and compared to DICE, SOE did an AMAZING job supporting that game.

Signed up for the Beta :). Seriously looking forward to playing this; cannot wait.
I played PS. Some of the best times I've EVER had online. 3 sided battles, all kinds of crazy shit happens.

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malsor was talking about this game a while ago.

Don't think this comes with dedicated servers so if that is the case we can't host.
malsor was talking about this game a while ago.

Don't think this comes with dedicated servers so if that is the case we can't host.

It won't because it's not that kind of game, It's similiar to WoW, Everquest and other MMO's in the aspect that the environment is a constant: meaning that 1 "server" or "Realm" is a place where users connect. there are no instances like in other games like diablo or WoW, it's 1 place where everyone connects.

It's unique in the FPS community especially for us because there are no "rounds", or specific server rules that you have to abide by. It's going to be the closest thing to a constant state of war that any game has come close to. As a community: it's a more social atmosphere. Instead of having a server where the pubbers and regulars come to visit, (getting to know the same people playing over and over again) the way you become known as a community is organizing operations, attacks, raids, feints etc.
The other thing that is unique is that you pick 1 side to fight for. Like imagine if you combined all the 2142 maps and you could only pick PAC or EU in a round that never ended untill you controlled everything. or the other players all died.

Potentially: if we had a bunch of guys who played this it could bring back our Air reputation like we had in 2142. when the bad guys get fucking owned they will know who we are.. the other players who tag along on our missions, patrols and other stuff will join our community if they like us. We can organize events and attacks with other clans and units it could be a lot of fun.

the one thing I can guarantee you is that it will much more immersive than anything else you have played FPS wise. there is a huge fucking continent to explore, we could pick one place to operate out of and "own" as much territory as we could feesably manage. The FPS MMO is fairly new concept, and I can't wait to play it.
New game play footage released today.

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It's an alpha, it's probably been enhanced to look better than it really is.
I givith moar footage! ^^

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